Discussion in 'Strategy' started by *Diab_Demise_MaCHiNE (01), Apr 4, 2013.

  1. Everyone likes an active ally and we all have our own way of finding them, though, like everyone else I get bored of seeing people beg for hires on wc.
    I've recently been going through the ally search lists and snapping up the 'glow in the dark ally's' 
    So this is really a post aimed at players who want to be bought, cast yourselves a spell, some of them are free to cast, that way we know you're active 
  2. Speaking of ive got a 31bil active im trying to sell ;)
  3. I search Events and then find a clan doing the pigs or the damn sea monster and I hire them. :lol:
  4. Maybe the devs could introduce an 'activity' spell at a small cost of 1m gold for example, so that players can advertise their activity to other players and encourage more purchases
  5. If anyone's interested, i'm always selling active allies, good stats and all activity checked. Feel free to follow/wall me :)
  6. ;) I have a 44b ally for sale ;)
  7. Quit the crap, we all have allies for sale, this thread is about accounts promoting themselves, not being pimped out by idiots
  8. Oh no. Please take some of those in WC. Thank you. :lol: 1M is kinda little. What about 10M depending on your size? :lo: :lol:
  9. 10M and above*
  10. I have 0 allys for sale i love my allys :3
  11. Yeh i get people with spells cast. I dont buy eb noobs