Bullying in Forums

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by Pyrismo, Jun 11, 2016.

  1. As many of you may know I made a post not to long regarding the blatant abuse of the "attack" feature being used on innocent people (me specifically). If you were not aware I will summarize it. I went into World Chat to engage in casual conversation and was hit by a man named Phantom, losing 60,000,000 gold and my dignity, I demanded an apology and a refund for my lost gold. I am awaiting an official response from Phantom and developers. This thread however is not about that event, it is about the replies received on my last post "what to do when hit?!?" Many of the replies were rude, telling me to delete the game and cry in a corner, or calling me a troll. I can't see how deleting the app would solve any problem and I'm not sure how anyone could come to any conclusion on my appearance based off of a post comprised of only text. I did not take these comments lightly. This has been another blow to my pride and has further lowered my esteem for Kingdoms at War. I'm not asking you to spare me my fellow KAWmunity. I'm simply asking that you pass on a message of peace and brotherhood wherever you go. Let me be the target of all attacks so long as it spares those living in fear. Let my voice echo over those whose voices may never be heard.


    -Yours truly Pyrismo
  2. #StopPimDonKaW
  3. Mind blown lol.This Is a joke thread ? This is kindoms at WAR not kingdoms that Spread peace.
  4. I imagine the war aspect of the title comes from necessity, war is a gruesome part of this game that ought to be ended. The battle list should be removed. Player cooperation should be encouraged, not demeaned to this horrible system of people hitting each other for some sort of false prestige. End the violence and usher in a new form of war. The war on war itself. #StopKAWViolence
  5. I believe the phrase is: "don't feed the trolls."
    A venture most have failed splendidly...
  6. Here we go again with these vicious attacks on personal appearance. I may not be a male model, not that you would know, but I think that hardly constitutes calling me a troll. But, this reply only further demonstrates the point this thread was making in the first place.
  7. Oh man op if you'd made this thread a year or two ago I guarantee you'd have already quit.
  8. Good thing I didn't make this a year or two ago 
  9. build them towers it will be harder for opponents to hit you
  10. Good on you op!!

    You tell them!! Make love not tears!!

    We should be able to express one self through this game not have our feelings poked at and have players be rude to us as we are not as mentally strong as others.

    We can't take all the abuse and still wear a smile. It's so so hard! You really got to remember we are all humans!! Stop trying to dehumanise us. Calling us accounts or trolls or even noobs!

    Why can't we just go on with our kaw life is a daze of flowers and unicorns.

    War is the battle of the constant emotions and pain. How hard must it be for all you to hold it all in and hide behind laughing faces and fake words to fit in with eachother
  11. Exactly! Please spread the word and gather more support with the official hashtag #StopKAWViolence
  12. You only mention brotherhood in your op. What about sisterhood?
  13. I'm with you pyrosmo i get it everyday on kaw also.Most are just weak and pathetic and you just got to hit them back harder.They are only tough behind others and once singled out they soon shut up and back off.
  14. ;)
  15. Please lock, as this is a repeat of yesterday's forum by same op. Blah.....
  16. I thought we had something special
  17. You're a bully thinking I'm gonna read that wall of text
  18. Not sure if satire or serious....