
Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by IKillEvil, Nov 4, 2015.

  1. I can't find any quality guides in the guide section that have the pro/con of the builds. Should I do Attack or defense?
  2. Attack heavy stuff is for dem fairies and defence heavy stuff is for dem fightin people. Attack mean u hurt people lots but get hurt easy Peasy. Defence heavy mean you bad at smackin but take smacks like a champ.
  3. What build you do though young Jedi is what your heart desires.

    Edit : you can also do spy set and do the sneaky sneaks and they don't even know it's you, you sneaky boi. Unless you fail. Then you die cause u a lil sneaky spy
  4. How can I trust you
  5. I'm the very very best like there never ever was.
  6. Lmfao post of the day lol
  7. seem trustworthy. I'll take your advice and be a stable master and kill people.
  8. Depends solely on your playstyle or my personal pick... activity.

    Of course it varies but...

    Warring all day e'rryday

    Eb's because the 2 extra hits helps

    Warring or ebs and wants to play safe and/or wants that 5%? plunder bonus

    Or you could mix your build up and get a little of all.

    Or just go spy (DIFFICULT because you need LOTS of gold) which is great at all of them.
  9. Thanks. I wasn't sure what to do after not playing for about a year.

    Well, better go hit a pwar and level.
  10. Man, we don't have pwars anymore.
    We have shrek fights -.-
  11. All attack defense towered is the best build in the game.
  12. Don't listen to these people.
    Towered builds are great for war but they kill plunder if you're trying to build.
  13. 8k posts and you give advice like that wow

  14. Oh dang! Is this not Future Combat: Patriots at War?
  15. I'm not sure if you're trying to insult but...
    1K posts and not much better?
  16. Difference is I'm messing about that guy is being totally serious.
  17. I'm being seeious, minus the shrek fights.
    What about my advice was wrong?
  18. REKT *airhorn sounds*
  19. A bitter defeat.