building upgrades

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Rasher, May 9, 2014.

  1. Dear Devs / community. To make this fair Nd allow people to benefit from the upgrades on HF, why not refund the difference on the drop of prices for ALL. Not just for people who build on HL since may 1st. This way less complaints and allows people to have some growth 

  2. i build all my t5 in april :(
  3. Support, Rasher.
  4. They only want us to swipe the creditcard and alot will do that.They won't bring the prices down after this they gona open the next 25lands.
  5. 
  6. Meanwhile, the devs be like…
  7. Yeah i mean if the intention is to fix ee with this by erradicating sh, well done (for now), but your gonna need to give us bigs a chance to be something other than food for the LB.