Building Upgrades are Here!

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by [ATA]Grant, May 8, 2014.

  1. The Level 4 and 5 upgrades for Hoarfrost buildings are now available. These upgraded buildings provide you with new units, additional troops, and an improved regen time.

    Upgrade your kingdom today!


    We’ve increased plunder payout for Tier 6 Level 4 and 5 buildings to put it back in line with what you were receiving from Tier 6 Level 3 buildings before these new tiers were released. Keep in mind that as you upgrade buildings and become stronger it becomes easier to take down Epic Battles meaning that you’ll want to move on to tougher enemies to receive the full benefits and maximum plunder possible.

    To help everyone progress along and to narrow the gap we’re also going to be reducing the cost of The Hatchery, The Colony, Torture Garden, Volary, Arboreal Dungeon, Changeling Watchtower by 50% along with increasing the plunder payout of Tier 6 Level 2 and 3 buildings.

    Anyone who has upgraded or built any of the buildings covered in the above mentioned price change from 12:00AM PDT on May 1st forward will receive the difference in gold refunded.
  2. Boo!!!! I'm not HLBC!!
  3. Wow that's great for the players that are small
  4. Ooooo improved regen time
  5. Im aint even got hf yet
  6. The bigs get bigger and u still do nothing about sh exploit. Goodbye kaw
  7. Yaaaay :D
    BTW i am not at hoarfrost :))
  8. no pics? gonna take a few weeks/months before i reach it
  9.  except those of is that are behind the curve are STILL screwed.
  10. To early to exploit these devs. Think about the smaller players. You just expanded the gap even bigger now.
  11. How about fix we first ..what a thought
  12. How about we get some equipment
  13. Bigger gap now.
  14. Doesn't give me the option to upgrade it..
  15. S h I t
  16. No support
  17. Improved regen time?!?!