building strategy

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Garlic, May 5, 2013.

  1. An advice I give new players is that for starters they should build lots of guilds as a Hansel then start building attack or any buildings they want
  2. tons of good guides on how to build.

    this isn't one of them.

    please don't make threads without putting any effort into them. because you can be 100% certain that someone has already made a thread on the same topic after putting a lot of time and effort into it.
  3. When making a peanut butter and jelly sandwhich I advise putting peanut butter and jelly on bread.
  4. wow. great guide, silencio! i tried it! it works!!!!
  5. thats a terrible build. The best build for starters and expirienced players is the tower build. Build all tier 1troop towers on lowlands and highlands. Then upgrade them to tier 2. Then tier 3