Building Plunder Formula

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by lllIll_Kramtoad_IlllIl, Jan 22, 2011.

  1. Hey Y'all,
    I need a formula to calculate my personal plunder for each building, and level of that building. For example, would I earn more plunder with a lvl3 Subterranian Factory, or with a lvl2 Titans Liar. Things like that. I need a formula I can use for all the buildings and levels of those buildings. This is mostly aimed at determining the fastest most profitable platform for converting from T3BC to T4BC. But I'd own a clan, and would like to teach the most efficient way to upgrade to the little ones. Thanks in Advance!!!
  2. Rule of thumb is as you go from t3-BC to t4-BC Ally plunder increases by 500K per t4 building.
  3. Ya you like that?

    You spend 26B on a t4 building and ally plunder goes up by 500K. That's about 52,000 battles just to reach the break even point :lol:
  4. Lol. Epic mean right there by the Devs. lol. But I'm looking for a formula to compare different levels to get down to the nitty gritty of it all. My current decision I'm faced with is this:
    Should I
    A- Keep the lvl3 Sub until I've saved up 26.25 Bill (for an outright lvl3 Titans Liar)
    B- Build the lvl2 Titans Liar and save up for the lvl3 of the building

    Trying to figure out which option would generate more money when attacking/gathering money for the next upgrade. Just trying to be the most efficient as possible here. =]
  5. Sorry man I don't have exact numbers.
  6. Eat broccoli, that should help
  7. Plz wall me when u find out-- I'm looking for the same exact thing in regards to forge to sub/aviary! I would like to pass the info on as well
  8. Devs will not give out formulars. Check out dillybars guide. There is a guide saying how much plunder u Get for each building and lvls.
  9. Just look at The KaW Handbook.

    Same for 50% of the threads in Strategy
  10. There is no Max Plunder Rise in T4 it DOES NOT gain 500mil each build

    in fact plunder reduces after you reach max plunder in tier 4 when you buy more allies
  11. What?????

  12. Please elaborate on this.
  13. Just skip t3 altogether no need for formula t2 to t4 huge plunder gains 