Well I have 16 lands discovered and was wondering what build path to take, I'd like a mixture of buildings mainly balanced. I often get attacked so a decent defense may help. I am going to be using T4 buildings once I unlock them. It would be help full if I was told what buildings to make and the amount. cheer! (I'd like the buildings for LL only please)
Build subs and guilds if you are going for an attack build. Don't bother with defense buildings until you're bigger.
If you decide to stick with an attack build, build the balanced building of whatever tier you are using. This provides an extra 2 hits per regen but also increases regen time by 5 minutes. If you want to become a hansel build, start building level 4 guilds now before your too far in and don't want to make the huge build switch. Also, there are a lot of guides in the strategy section of the forums where you can find info on all the build types and make your choice based on what you learn about each build.