If you want to win lots of battles, epic battles or wars, but want to be able to defend your self, this is the forum to teach you! Right first things first. You will need to go through the start process that is incredibly easy, then I think you should build balanced buildings mostly but you should have the same number of mostly attack buildings, like forges, or mostly defence buildings like war cathedrals. Remember, balanced buildings have a larger max of men and more men could win you the battle. Depending on how big you are you should choose how big you are I.e player 1 has 255k comb stats but the clan he wants to join is 250k comb stats I think think you could go to a clan that is a little bit small to get him a bit more above the stat requirement. I recommend this because the first clan could do epic battles that are a little to hard for player 1. Thank you!
Needs more colors and put more effort into it. Sorry but it just looks like you made this in 10 minutes.
I can make it in 5. But with better info. On an iDevice >.> You don't pick a little of this and that. Builds are straight forward: 1. Hansel 2. OSF 3. Attack Build w/ 1 Balanced 4. Defense Build w/ 1 Balanced 5. All balanced If you want 1 Attack building and 1 Defense building, you might as well have 2 Balanced buildings. It seems the same but Balanced have higher combined stats. So it's actually better. As to a clan, pick an awesome clan for "That's my goal." Then just pick another clan with EB's good for you (T1 at first), then work your way to the clan you want. You might even end up liking the clan you joined on your way up and became pretty important there. My 5 minutes to make guide beats yours.
@iBenny I doubt he even spent ten minutes on it... And each balanced building doesn't grant you more TROOPS (not men, sexist prick) One Balanced building will give you two more hits. I don't think any extra regen time either, except for the normal building regen time.