Build question [Subs or COE]

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by GriMzZy_TDT, Oct 28, 2012.

  1. Hey guys I have a build question:

    Right now I am replacing all of the forged in the lowlands with Subs. I have 3 forges left to convert and the rest are subs or guilds (I do have the highlands unlocked but only 1 land bought in it, focusing on replacing)

    My question is, after I finish replacing with subs, should I go for COEs or buy lands in the highlands? And after I buy in the highlands should I build COEs (if I buy in the highlands after replacing the subs)

    Feedback would be highly appreciated, thanks!

    ( sorry for any grammar and spelling mistakes :(
  2. Skip the subs and go straight to CoE, max level before doing any work in the highlands
  3. CoE, I have went through and tore down all my subs and put up CoE, didn't take long either
  4. If you prefer been attack build ill say go for lvl1 t5 atk balanced buildings in highlands and coes in lowlands 
  5. Boo is a scrub who can't win a war 3 clans vs 1, however.