Build Question (PLEASE HELP)

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by AlphaClan, Jul 14, 2016.

  1. I'm shooting for an attack build right now,and I have been building 5 of every attack building (Attack,Balance,and Defense),and the rest of the lands available as spy buildings.

    I was wondering if this build is ok,or if i should change it before its too late.
  2. you really shouldn't mix attack and defense buildings. you either go only atk, only def, only balanced, or a mix of balanced and either atk OR def.

    if you want balanced attack stats, use the balanced troop buildings.

  3. Yeah follow those kinds of guide lines you really don't want to be mixing attack focused buildings and defense focused buildings as it will result in less combined stats than those that would have been acquired by just getting the balanced buildings! Any questions wall me
  4. Yeh just build the old balanced buildings all the way matey.
  5. Err, don't go mixed buildings
  6. Mixed (1:1 ATK/Def orientated) is the way to go if you are going to pvp/osw as it makes your hits from pin stronger, otherwise Balanced or Full def for more plunder on skims.
  7. If anything and you'd like to go troop oriented... I'd go Balanced with a def building or two to get that 5% plunder bonus, the 2 extra hits and to ward off atk builds.

    But if you plan to go atk then your build isn't "horrible".

    But note, going with any troop-based build leaves you open to spies.

    Heads up.
  8. No need for spy buildings just go straight attack buildings for plunder
  9. This.

    You'll want to keep some spies and build a few spy defense towers on your abyss and Rai lands.
  10. Lol what?
  11. Mixed is the way to go
  12. Go to Guides subforum and check out Mixed Builds vs Balanced Builds - The Truth
  13. That's a guy trolling lol.

  14. No this is a terrible idea.
  15. Highland buildings as an example.

    Attack building stats are 256320 169880.

    Defense building stats are 194720 256600.

    Balanced are 234498 234498.

    Please explain how having 1 attack and 1 defense is better than having 2 balanced. It is not better in anyway please stop teaching new player's backwards information its not helping.