Build Question :D

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by GriMzZy_TDT, Jun 1, 2013.

  1. Currently In highlands I have invested with 5 or 6 CoE's. All of them are lvl 2, except for 1 CoE which is lvl 3. My question is should I invest in Them? Are they worth it? Thanks.
  2. I'd max the lowlands first. Lvl 3 everything. Save highlands for t5
  3. Oh. Are CoE's available on Lowlands? I wasnt aware.
  4. They are very worth it. Only 13bil for lvl 3. Not bad at all. If you already have lvl 2 it is only 6bil more. Times 5 more COEs, you only need 30 bil for them
  5. And yes, put them on lowlands
  6. You're going to build T5 on HL, so open lands on HL, place a guild. Max it.
    Whilst you BC your lowlands.
  7. Ok Thanks guys. Either can die out of mod can lock. You can post if you have any more suggestions though.