Build Plan

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Fire428, Sep 25, 2011.

  1. This is the fastest way to grow, I guarantee it
  2. Build Plan

    Have Admin assess your build before you proceed. Do Not Deviate from our plan. This build plan has been proven to work
    Do Not destroy anything without consulting with admin

    1) build 3 lv3 beastry and 4 lv3 forges to allow u to hit Osf. At no time will u destroy any buildings unless u confirm with admin. We will adjust your build to hit Osf with your existing buildings.

    2) build allies up to 1billion to get MP. ( do vollies w clanmates to increase plunder value of allies) does not matter what allie stats are only matters what value of Allie is. More Allie cost high the plunder value. Vollies increase your gold do them often as u can w extra gold.

    3) buying new land perform landtrick before u build on it, must have ok from Osf first to complete transaction( osf must have enough gold out for u to do) admin will explain landtrick when time comes
    Note: this is Optional.
    4) after starter build is up the rest of the lands u buy must have a guild constructed on it and must be upgraded to lv3 before u move on to next land.

    5) after u reach lc you will proceed to upgrade one of your existing attk building to an Avery Lv3 next upgrade all guilds to lv4 and start increasing your MP to 2.5 billion that is roughly 100 million increase in allies for every guild upgraded to lv4.
    At this point u will proceed to destroy 1 attack building and replace w guild to lv4 leaving your lv3 Avery .//congratulations u r now a full hansel build.

    At this point u will need to start moving into highlands. You will need to get the build plan for the highlands : again the fastest way to complete your build is to follow the build plan.
  3. Landtrick

    A landtrick can be done using an Osf or the attack portion of an Epic Battle(pve). Osf is recommended for maximum gold, but not mandatory. you must also have permission from osf to perform on them so they can put enough gold out for you.

    1) Buy new land and do not build on it yet.( landtrick won't work on lands that have had a building constructed previously on them.)

    2) Empty your attack troops to 0 troops and note the time on regen timer, if u have more than 2 minutes proceed to next step if not wait for regen timer to turn over and 0 troops again. note:( landtrick only works if troops at 0)

    3) Construct a T1 level attack (barracks) on new land. This will give you 500 more troops automatically. Then 0 your attk troops again before regen timer reaches 0. This should allow you to hit 24 more times as if you have full troops and maximize your plunder.

    4) destroy T1 attack and build guild to lv3.

    Goodluck 
  4. Why should I Confirm with admin?
  5. sorry bout that part
  6. no matter what don't sell a t4 building
  7. No more osfs tho
  8. follow me if you need help
  9. there are still osfs just no pwars
  10. Or you can just build random ****.

    It's way more fun.... You should try it sometime.
  11. I used to do that... its a lot more fun but you know, if you follow this build plan you can do whatever you want from here
  12. that's only cuz the people in foxes are bamfs