How the hell do they make it a challenge? The GH is the easy way out. Start one day, finish putting up guilds 60 days later. Then just sit there.
Other than being banks, gh are crap in real war (osw). They are great for initial growth and not much else unless doing ee. For their tier they have been overpowered for a ling while and the devs finally decided to fix it. Be happy they let it go this long and move on.
Yeah challenge for other people to hit. And I never like GHs. Not during EEs. Not since I first started seeing them.
@ dragonite, people have griped about it since the release of SOS. It just became more of an issue with the introduction to ee
im glad i had the intellegence to see the gh getting put where it should be when i started my hansel alt and my hybrid alt though it wasnt a hard see coming what happened to "cant beat them join them" attitude you jokes of a build had until yesterday? now that the roles are reversed ill i see is ***** whine piss and moan
It was a bit pathetic of them, but then they're just the types of people who have big egos and small dicks. They have nothing to show but think they are the best, like that one kid at every school who's barely up to your hip and thinks he can beat you up :lol: Just remember that they're jealous, and we are better than them. When they shoot down this comment, it will only help how that I'm correct
Lol I see your point. Now that tides have turned I'm seeing lots if whining and bitching. Mad respect to worms ( hand of god ) and other names 0.0 who I have not seen cry once.