Build mechanics question.

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by LucileBall, Apr 1, 2015.

  1. So I was wondering, if a guy wanted a build that fell close to hybrid territory but spy builds would fall on the first land square, so as to keep the spy stats low but the build count there. Then went with attack heavy builds and balanced with towers.

    With me so far ?

    How many spy builds does he need at land complete and what land level are your attack defence towers placed on to achieve the highest even attack stats ?
  2. I dont quite understand your question, sorry.

    Though the way you mention towers...

    Towers have no effect on build mechs. Just the lands with troop attack buildings and spy attack builds do.
  3. Firstly, you need to strategically place commas into your questions.

    Second, there is an app called KaWcukator which is useful for these things. I use it for all my build plans, that I don't follow :lol:
  4. If you want spies to fail on you then build enough SDT to defend yourself 
  5. I may understand your question, but let me restate it to make sure I do. You want the lowest spy stats you can get but still be a hybrid build, correct? If so, then all you need to know is the build mechanic.

    In order to be a hybrid, you need to have 25% or more of your NON-CASTLE, NON-TOWER lands be spy buildings.

    For example, say you have the 50 lands of the lowlands and highlands opened and built on. Lets also assume you have 9 towers (either attack defense towers, or spy defense towers). In that case you have 40 non-tower, non-castle lands (i.e. 1 castle on the lowland and 9 towers). What you build on these 40 lands will determine what mechanic you have. In order to be a hybrid build, you would need 10 or more of your buildings to be spy buildings (i.e. 25% of your non-tower, non-castle buildings are spy buildings).

    For the absolute lowest spy stats, put 10 guilds on the lowlands in the scenario posited above.

    Hope that helps, if not, then PM me.


  6. What?
  7. Yes Kage, 25%
    Thank you.

    As for the other part of my question, does it matter what tier of attack tower you put up.
    Will putting up a different tier allow more attack buildings to be put up, keeping in mind that I'm looking for even attack/attack defence stats.
  8. The tier of buildings has no effect on build mechs basically you're gonna want to put all SOS on lowlands once you are build complete and with towers that should give you hybrid mechs, depending on the amount if towers you build you may be able to put some coe on your LL as well
  9. Ya great, what I mean is, let's say I put up a crap load of attack heavy attack builds.
    Perhaps my attack stats would look like 23m/18m
    So then I add towers.
    Thus balancing the stats 23m att/23m def
    By choosing a certain tier of tower can I achieve a hire stat outcome or is it all the same ?
  10. The higher the tier you put up the more stats you will get for anything including towers.
  11. Put 24 SOS on ur ll as your only spatk and ul be hyb until ur close to abc, unless u put towers up then depending on the # of towers u have u can sell some sos
  12. I use kaw calculator app on my phone. Shame they still have not updated for the new builds yet.
  13. Download any one of a number of build calculators from forums. They are generally excel spreadsheets. Then play around with the sheet. You can put in your preferred build type, add or remove towers, troop and spy buildings -- all without actually building them. The spreadsheets will tell you what your stats will be, static attack defense, static spy defense, etc.

    Figure out where you want to END before you START building and you will save yourself a lot of gold in tear down and adjusting your build after the fact (learn from my fail).

