Build helper?

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by xXx_Xeris_xXx, Oct 31, 2013.

  1. All right. Im thinking about resetting byt i need to know how to build. I want a build that makes 1 v 1 easier. Wall me in game ir follow if u can provide advice
  2. Why reset? Just drop your buildings, so you still have lands, money and allies.
  3. That is true owen. Still need some1 to help me with build
  4. It all depends on how you like to fight. Some like to fight as a hansel, others as a strong attack build. I prefer the attack heavy hybrid with sdt.

    It's tough to give a good 1vs1 build plan without knowing the way you like to fight.
  5. Depends on how you want to fight, do you want them to know you're whacking them? Or do you want to invade their personal space while they are sleeping and never know it was you?

    In 1v1 attack builds tend to lose to spy build rather quickly. A big example of this is any mainly attack build clan vs yafi, yafi tends to wipe the floor with them quickly and a CF is called.

    Now as for 1v1 there's two options for an attack build.

    Option 1. Go all out attack, using higher attack stat buildings to have the highest possible attack stat while leaving you very vulnerable to spies.

    Option 2. Go an attack build with some spies (any building it doesn't matter too much) add some spy defence towers and that will make those pesky little spy actions fail just that little bit for you to catch them.

    Or you can go a hansel build, again there's two options here

    Option 1. Go pure spy. Which if you have more than 20% spies leaves you wide open for an unlimited amount of attacks.

    Option 2. Have one attack building, bulk up so attack defence towers along with spy defence towers to make you a little less vulnerable to both sides of attacks.

    Or you can go the oddity build. The hybrid, very useful in 1v1 but can be vulnerable on both sides. For this I suggest you build both towers and once at a decent level beef up with BFA to become what is known as a meat shield/tank you're hard to get successful hits on and hard to get successful spy actions on.

    In the end it's all up to your personal play style. I've tried all three and so far hybrid has been the most fun 1v1