Build Help

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by S-I-N-I-S-T-E-R, Apr 30, 2014.

  1. [​IMG]
    Therse is a screen shot of my kingdom. I want to know the reccomendations of what build I should do,The benefits of it, how to make gold the fastest for small accts? Please help me️
  2. You can also follow me if you want
  3. Ok, I see how unhelpful everyone is
  4. Get rid of everything and just have empty land.
    Increases plunder by 50%
  5. My point exactly ^
  6. Iron maiden is the god of builds
  7. Very smart you are northlane
  8. I good smart
  9. No support, many guides our there, lazy TS.
  10. Your builds suck.
  11. Sorry bro :/

    Looks like forums aren't working out for you
  12. Since no one else will help. Build all guilds until you get hlbc with guild then you can convert all to sh and then build up in ally's. Or just convert to whatever build you want
  13. Wow check my wall I posted his wall to
    Help that's what I get
  14. Buy allies until you get max ally plunder. Buy MORE allies to be extra certain of it. Like, several billion in allies. Just keep investing every time you unload units. Then, upgrade all your guilds to level four. After that, continue expanding land and building more l4 guilds. After a little while you'll get the hang of the game more and will have met clanmates who can help you figure out what build is right for you.

    Find a clan, and stick with it. Don't be one of the clan-hoppers trying to get their next fix.