build help

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by -cf-, Apr 5, 2014.

  1. I have no idea what to do with my build anymore
    any help?
  2. Do you like EBs or war- ee, pvp, or OSW?
  3. Mainly eb but moving to war
  4. So towered attack build
  5. please help me i have no money and i need to build more attack builds
  6. I saw that you have a LOT of level 1-2 buildings. This is nearly always very very bad. Kills plunder and stats. I would suggest focusing on leveling up those 7 Lvl 2 cursed foundries and a few others.

    Ps. Strongholds of Shadows pretty much kill plunder unless you have some absurdly high percentage of them (I can't remember the exact number). If you're looking for high plunder that's gonna hurt a lot.

    In general your build is very scattered with many unfinished buildings. Pick a build and stick to it.
  7. I counted 16 unfinished buildings. If you were to max those out you would have a massive build.