Build Help

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by -xo-, Dec 21, 2013.

  1. I am currently an alt of a attack build player.
    I just discovered the highlands which is when I can start converting to a hansel. I am looking for advice for a hansel build meant for plunder in EBs. Not sure if I should become a hg because it got nerfed.

    Thanks for advice
    Keep it logical
  2. Reserved
  3. Build SOS lowlands vols highlands and spy building on hf lands. That's true hansel.
  4. I make great plunder in ebs. I suggest 8 troop buildings in hl everything else spies.
  5. 8 troop buildings?
  6. 8 attack buildings isn't hansel, that's hybrid, 23 SOS's and one Coe is my LL vols on HL and ice trees on HF
  7. Stay an attack build hansels are for alts
  8. Op:

    Get a:

    Lvl 3 castle

    Make all your buildings a lvl 1 stable on lowlands, build all lvl 1 defense towers on highlands (spy or not your choice)
  9. Listen to Death.. I have 3 CoE on my LL. And rest is SOS, Vol, and Ice tree.. I might actually change 2 of my CoE to SOS.

    My build makes best plunder