Build help

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Living, Jul 10, 2013.

  1. Hello forums. I am a 4.1mil cs attack build. I have recently grabbed myself lots of equip and discovered that I can't use the Mage yet. I don't want to wait to use the Mage, and I was wondering something. If I sell 15 coes i will have enough to unlock my 12th HL and have enough BFE/raw stats to still hit haunting no pots. I wanted your opinion on if I should do this. (I would be converting back to guild hansel.)
  2. Not worth it
  3. Just get save for the 12th land and get Mage. .___. No need to sell anything.
  4. Sell your pots.
  5. I did. Not all of them though -_-
  6. Just save up, be patient.
  7. Saving is key late game. I just bought my 70b land, and look at my tiny gh stats.

    Think like this: lategame profits>stats right now. Ie, I dropped 15 SOS that I had been buildup since pwars, just for more profits to LC faster. Keep your current buildings and save til 12th hl, and put down some guilds on it for a bit of extra income, just try and get to get hl build compleat as an attack build, don't bother dropping stuff for more lands now.
  8. I have 19 Coe and 16 L4 guilds, if I drop. I'll be a guild hansel and grow faster.
  9. Patience is my weakness. :/
  10. Any other opinions?
  11. I agree with the advice to stay the course and save for the next land. You will never recoup the gold you lose by selling those CoE. Hang in there, it just takes time. *Stupid 250 bil land anyway. . . ., grumble mutter cuss grumble. . .*
  12. Save for 12th land and Finnish low land with t4s then get highlands full of guilds til next land is more than a lv 1 t5, get all lv1 t5 in highlands, then keep getting lands til lv2 is cheeper, get lv2, repeat for lv3.

    That's how I would do it at least, I dunno if its the best way.
  13. I say just stay where you are and save up for it.