Build Help

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Spectre, Jul 5, 2012.

  1. Hey so I just got my account back, and I am planning on being more active. Right now I am a hansel (PWars), I'd like to change that to the most profitable build nowadays. Meaning for EBs. I have four Highlands. How should I start changing and to what?
  2. Hybrid is pretty good


    Turtle FTW
  3. Buddy hansels make good money on ebs just saying
  4. Stay hansel in my opinion. Dont listen to Undead about turtle build lol
  5. Ya you're about a year out of date...

    Stay with a Hansel, strong build.
  6. Strong, effective... But against other hansels (AND THERE ARE ALOT) with more experience and strength.

    You have no chance :twisted:

    Other than that, good luck :cool:
  7. Stick with Hansel, great plunder. But if you ever get into an osw with another hansel...become a turtle. :lol:
  8. Since this topic was brought up, I think I may like some advice as well :p

    I am a small hansel ; four highlands unlocked and filled all with guilds, with the exception of one level two SoS.

    Yes, I use a CoE.
    I would like to know what I'd have to build next, which will help me HLBC the fastest.

    Thanks, Nikki
  9. I like hybrid build. One of my alts is hybrid and I like it. But I also have another alt that is hansel and I love that build too. So hybrid or hansel
  10. GO TURTLE!!!!