Hey so I just got my account back, and I am planning on being more active. Right now I am a hansel (PWars), I'd like to change that to the most profitable build nowadays. Meaning for EBs. I have four Highlands. How should I start changing and to what?
Strong, effective... But against other hansels (AND THERE ARE ALOT) with more experience and strength. You have no chance :twisted: Other than that, good luck
Stick with Hansel, great plunder. But if you ever get into an osw with another hansel...become a turtle. :lol:
Since this topic was brought up, I think I may like some advice as well I am a small hansel ; four highlands unlocked and filled all with guilds, with the exception of one level two SoS. Yes, I use a CoE. I would like to know what I'd have to build next, which will help me HLBC the fastest. Thanks, Nikki
I like hybrid build. One of my alts is hybrid and I like it. But I also have another alt that is hansel and I love that build too. So hybrid or hansel