Hi. Im looking for a build that would help me earn/plunder more. I currently have 21 buildings mainly l3 forges and guilds. Am i going the right way?
Once you have 24 lands start switching out your forges one by one for level 4 guilds, stay at max plunder
Save up enough for each guild to go straight to lv4. Each costs 1B. Keep enough invested in allies that you remain at max plunder, each guild will increase your overall plunder gained. From there you can decide If you want a main spy build, pure/hansel, a mix, which is some attack buildings some spy, or if you want to remain mostly attack based.
I'm trying to check forums quick and get my foot in to control it more. I won't be in CC for a while. Also, stay on topic
@Op Switch your forges to guilds (l3 preferably) Maybe 80m each Build a beastry (l3 preferably) L stands for level Afterwards unlock the rest of your lands with l3 guilds Keep a minimum of 5b in allies ish Upon unlocking highlands (lowland completion) At this point you have 23 lands with L3 Guilds and a beastry L3 Rest do it another two times to maximize your future in KaW for a 8% bonus to your attack, def, spy attack, soy defense, eventually get all pro packs adding an addictional 25% for a total of 33% to all stats. Theoretically if you hlbc (high land build complete) With a 4m stat say attack you'd really have a 1.3m bonus, plus with a big bfa helping big in wars, clan ranking etc. Hope this helps! Merry Christmas
Btw: is this build also effective in eb? Because i currently get my gold from plunder (5m to 6m per attack). If i will be losing my forges, would that reduce plunder earned?