I am relativity new and if no one made this thread already I was curious if any one tried a combination of subs and circles instead of going down the path of outlet balanced buildings and on a side note I would like to know the unit stats of subs and bonus/bonuses I.e. Unit stats of an avairy are 470k/470k and they give +5% unit cap and -5% unit gain
Here is the ideal build one level four guild to prevent bring stripped in minutes by spies, and all the rest level three subterain factories. The circles are not worth it. I can give you a long winded mathematical explanation with equations but I wont. Just take my word for it. 1 lvl4 guild and 23 lvl3 subs.
best guild = 23 l4 guild and 1 t3 avairy ^_^ Just my opinion, I love Hansel build but you need several hundred billion in allies to balence it Spy heavy in general is fun if you have the allies to balence your attack/def
Ok I just checked your build you are new lol. Ok this is what you want to do... First you need to understand this game is played in three stages and each stage has a specific goal: Land Complete (LC) Build Complete (BC) Ally Market In the first stage your goal is to LC. The best way to meet this goal is to build two or three guilds and the rest forges. You will upgrade the guilds as needed to prevent people from spying on you. You aren't really going to use them, they're just there as a deterrence for spies. Also before you LC you will just need to make them level three. It isn't cost effective to make them level four at this time. People have different opinions on when to buy allies for getting ally plunder (AP) to gain max plunder. My opinion is it's never to early to buy allies. Buying allies is not investing in the ally market, buying allies is getting AP to maxing your plunder. AP is the most important aspect of this game. Here are the steps to maxing AP: Find an inactive or OSF to test you AP. You MUST use the same person when doing this. Buy allies, more expensive the better. Attack the inactive or OSF and note the AP. Buy more allies. Attack the Inactive or OSF again to see if the AP changes. If it does change by at least one gold you must buy more allies. Repeat this process until AP stays constant. Be patient while doing this. It my take a day or two to get max plunder but when you get it you'll breeze though to LC. Take note, every time you upgrade a building or make a building, you raise you AP cap and will need to buy more allies to reach your new AP cap. Also, lookout towers and defense towers do not raise your AP cap, so never make these. So now you have your two or three guilds at level 3, your forges at level 3, and your AP is maxed. This is the point when you have just explored your last land and LC. This is when you enter the second stage of the game, your quest to BC. Best build for BC is one level four guild and twenty-three subterain factories. The reason for Subs is you will need the extra attack power to break through the ally defense bonus for a lot of people and to minimize troop loss per attack. Also you will need defense pots against both troops and spies. I can't give a recommended amount, just stock as needed. When you BC the last stage is to buy and sell allies. You want to buy allies that have never been dropped, active, and have high attack bonus. Your not only buying and selling allies, your buying them for the stat bonus to get stronger. FYI, I hear there is a price guide floating around that tells you what prices to buy from, so if you find someone who has it let me know . I think I covered just about everything... If you have a question don't be afraid to ask... Note: Never sell allies to upgrade.
Hav0c is completely right on his basics, follow that and your bound to bc quickly. Again build, and when to start trading (allies) is really based on experience and style but as you break into the game you'll quickly make mistakes. Use this too your advantage, and take a feel for everything and every point kaw offers mate. Anyways, goodluck And great post hav0c
Thanks alot and I've seen this guide u spoke of in stratagys and I have also anyalyzed the rate of how good the allies are compared to their price with aid of the guide don't remember what it was called so good hunting to you
totally agree with HAV0C & (top dog) igiggle. just to add going all out attack build gives you a slightly better plunder when attacking hence you will earn cash quickly and LC faster. Good luck in the game mate. and remember there's no rush this game ain't going anywhere lol
I am curious if the +5% plunder bonus that a circle gives would make up for being replaced by a few subs although a sacrafice in atk power occurs in Wichita case would a pot not make up for this reduction in atk
Remeber in most cases, unless you farm inactives once your in a bc bracket everyone uses max pots. Thus it plays a null and void scenario Keeping allies overall in mind you can go for circle hybrid or full circle However for purposes of war it limits your initial targets but then again with defense it speaks for itself eh I personally (if attack build) like 12 subs, 5 circles, 1 avairy, and and finally 6 guild. All play a role that's clear cut sub- you keep a decent starting attacking, enough to handle most targets in your range circle- the higher defense will force off targets in war, straight forward but also the plunder with the balence is nice avairy- you just need one for this benefit but wuth said building you'll recieve 26 attacks instead of the original 24 guild- spy defense, helps with stripping, spy pinning (also assassination buff is nice), and the guild itself offers higher plunder all very basic and in it's most simplistic form but you get the point
To replace a few wouldn't hurt anything but I have to point out circles give extra 5% plunder per circle by giving you more stats. Basicaly if you attack the same person your plunder will drop even though your AP is maxed. This is because the relative strangeth between attacker and the defender has increased. So inorder to get that extra 5% per circle you must fight someone with higher strength.
Sweet thnks a bunch guys if I find an odd combanation or anything out of the ordinary I'll be sure to post it if it's any good
IGiggle is correct when he says when you BC, everyone has ten pots at this level. The only people that don't are the inactives lol He is also correct that the hansel build is a monster money maker. But beware during a war you are a liability and should not partake in the war. Well unless you keep yourself pined the whole time.