Discussion in 'Strategy' started by *ToTaL_CarNaGe (01), Nov 14, 2011.

  1. Ok back in august 2010 i read one of the best post i have ever seen on this forum about Build Combinations posted by Havoc.
    It was a great piece of work that had actual test results and proven theory that helped shape how many of us were going to build back then.
    It was one of the most inteligent discussions about this game i have ever read and for that havoc i thank you.

    You can find it here:

    But Times have changed :

    Since then we have had a new tier and highlands and the most significant change of all is how we earn the majority of our cash by Epic Battles.

    Now to get to the point i am putting out a challenge to all you KAW researchers like myself to post here your theories and tested info and stats and tried and true methods so that we can grind out a good successful conversation to read and share with others.


    So here is a start from me

    ok i built an alt from my girlfriends failed attempt at the game with no xtal injection or nobility injection to 6 lands away from highland LC in 4 months

    i did this mainly with equal caths and guilds to start and then COE's and guilds in highland teritory.
    the key is to have over 30 guilds when your past your 36th land and add equal guilds and COE's from there.
    The good thing about this process is that you can adapt it into any build like: full spy - hybrid or attack build once you are LC.
    Can give you more detail if you need!

  2. Props for the Hav0c shoutout. Though I don't always agree with his conclusions his points are always well thought out and supported.

    Your post is in a font that is extremely hard to read. But I think you are asking for the best build approach in the highlands/t4/eb era.

    Short answer is there isn't one. Long answer is that there are many builds that are effective, in choosing your build you need to be mindful of what that build is for and how u intend to use it.

    I will go into some different builds and approaches in this thread when I have some time.
  3. For a new player, your begining approach of cathedrals and guilds is well reasoned and efficeint. Guilds still give the best bang for the buck in plunder, and since growth should be your focus in the begining. Adding guilds is a solid choice. Cathedrals give the most numerical stats at t2, but a new player should mix in at least 1 aviary for the extra 2 hits.

    The focus of the new player should be to maximize earnings and growth until they can effectively do the haunting. Once they reach the haunting they should work to maximize their growth there (until a better paying eb is released by the devs).

    Max plunder is mandatory, refer to havocs thread for testing max plunder.

    There are two effective ways to grow in haunting. One is to do it as a guild hansel and use pots to hit. The other is to build up your attack enough so that u lose minimum troops on each hit and always hit successfully. The choice lies in the fact that adding more guilds will increase your plunder faster than adding t4, but you will have to use pots until you reach 25 million ATT bfa. I am yet to see anyone conclusively prove which approach is better. Personally I like 6-10 Coe with a Titan or two along with rest guilds as a growth vehicle. But your approach with cathedrals and then Coe may be better than both the ones I listed.

    Once you are making good money in haunting, you continue to add lands and guilds until u decide what type of final build best suits you.
  4. The guild method is tried and tested. It's also great for new players as it allows you to play and get a good feel for the game. It allows for a smooth and swift transition to the desired final build.

    Personally. Since were talking EBs I like the hybrid approach. Big spy hits for a nice final payout, with enough attack to get through your troop bar with minimal troop loss and pot usage. I think you need around 1.5mill attk to do this with ease.

    **also please use a different colour. It's hard to read 
  5. I don’t think there’s a single answer to what is the best build overall. But if you want to know what makes the best plunder in EBs, this seems to depend on 2 factors:

    1. What EB you are doing.
    2. How often you can hit the EB.

    Clearly 1 is fairly self-explanatory in a certain sense. Some EBs emphasise spies over troops, some the other way around. But more subtly, this principle works in concert with 2.

    Point 2 indicates that the best build will depend on how often you hit. Since attacks have ally bonuses, they make far more than spies do as the bar is lowered. If you can spy and attack every 5 minutes, you will make much more than you will by emptying once an hour. And this difference will be amplified the more spy buildings you have.

    This indicates a general principle: The more often you can hit, the more to your advantage it is to have spy buildings.

    I think it’s a pretty robust finding that hansels that hit every 5 minutes make excellent plunder in EBs. However, hansels usually need to use pots to hit in ebs, and this offsets their raw plunder. Hence it’s advisable to put in enough troop buildings so that you can reliably hit without pots (and what this is will depend on the EB you are doing). Given that you’re looking for a balance of attack strength and plunder, balanced buildings are probably the way to go. If you can only hit every 30 min, build more troops.

    So in sum, I think the best build is one that gives you just enough troop power to attack reliably and/or lose min troops, and the rest spy buildings (I take it guilds and SoS make roughly the same amount on EBs…so it’s a choice between stats and price). Going with guilds will allow you to open new lands faster and thus increase your plunder faster.

    For example, on the haunting one needs about 700k attack stats to lose min troops on the first few attacks. This is roughly 7 CoEs and lvl2 Castle (not including bfa, propack, reset bonuses). Then the rest are guilds or SoS. This build makes massive plunder on the haunting. Even with only 25-30 guilds + 7 CoE this build will make far more than an hcbc hitter.

  6. Gregarious your comment as quoted:

    this is not exactly right!
    a few months into EB's i tested this theory of which makes more spies or troops and the test excluded pot sections
    the results were from assasination alone about a 3-5% advantage through bonus to spy assasination over troop fights.
    but this test varies alot so the percentage is not determined exactly but not once did i find troops to make more.
    also i believe we can get work out a more efficent build to get to land count due to the fact that less than 4% of our value comes from doing the smaller eb's the other 96% we are able to do Hauntings of which all clans do around 99.8% of the time .
    heres why:
    24 guilds L4 - 2 Coes L3 (sufficent to hit in hauntings pot assisted)
    will set you back 94.264 bil in land and building
    at LCBC you would have spent around 3.3 trill thats under 3% actually
    so by these stats alone we could say we need to focus growth builds around hauntings don't you think?
  7. I preferably think just enough attack to win all battles in eb than rest spies for assassination helps in the end with plunder gained making more money
  8. 400k atk says preferable for hauntings for spies and hybrids
  9. Bluesk3 is 40atk building 5 SOS.
    Bluesk8 is 1coe lvl 3 32 SOS.
    Bluesk9 is 1coe lvl 2 29 guilds.
    Doing haunting, all dropped similar amounts of seal as I'm using 3xiphone4 through wireless wifi connection.
    Average payouts are as follow:
    Bluesk3 2.3-2.5b/hour
    Bluesk8 2.2-2.3b/hour (7.5m 2.5m) pots already deducted.
    Bluesk9 1.8-1.9b/hour (7.5m 2.5m) pot already deducted.
    Both hansels are set to try gain 25m bfa to not use atk pots. If that's possible, both hansels will add
    (10m x 25), 250m/hour more.
  10. A great plunder build. Check out Pikasu
  11. Just a note to all that are learning from this good information from the guys above!

    notice there is no mention or comparison to cursed foundries, subterain factories or forges

    these buildings offer very low earnings compared to your defence and balance buildings as well they are not efficent in war as they offer too weak defence,

    so think twice about building them!