Build choice

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by XxllSWllxX, Oct 23, 2011.

  1. Okay so right now I'm hansel build and I'm curious,

    I wanted to even out y attack and spy stats,

    Or should I continue to build guilds and SoS?

    Which one I need help!
  2. If you evened out, you'd be at a disadvantage versus people with high atk or high spy atk. Be a hansel.
  3. If you even out though you hit all players with spies and attacks
  4. Astute observation, comrade :geek:
  5. Evening out is a shitty idea. It makes you have low attack for your stats so to hit someone with lower defense than your attack would make you earn next to no money.
  6. Stay as a Hansel, you can ass and steal. Get gold and burn troops.

    Hansel all the way!
  7. Should I get attack strong enough to be able to hit haunting in EB?