I wanted to see some statistics about changing from Guilds to SOS but couldn't find anything that good so I decided to do it myself. This is my first thread post so bear w/ me if I make any mistakes. What I had: (all max level) LL: x1 Castle x2 Coe x2 SOS x20 guilds HL: x1 Colony x3 Volary x3 Sentry(sdt) x16 guilds HF: x1 Descry Stronghold (saying it again all is max lvl) Plunder bonus from allies on hitting haunt Before nerf: 18.8m After nerf: 15.4m (All numbers rounded) To test I took down one guild and put up a SOS and maxed it. Plunder bonus from allies: 15.6m So about a .2m gain Took down remaining 19 guilds on LL and put up lvl 3 SOS so a total of 22 SOS Plunder bonus from Allies: 20.3m I didn't get a chance to change up my HLs because I ran out of gold. I might do it later on depending on if other ppl post better threads than mine. Tell me what you think and if this is better or worse.
@Subtle I'm not trying to prove any point. This isn't my opinion just straight facts. If someone wants to know what happens when build changing their guilds to SOS.
Re: Build Change Informoh im ation Oh im sorry..i read your post once and after switching 2-3 pages ahead your guide came again so i had like a 'deja vu' feeling lol sorry thanx fr info
Nice - thanks for the post! So replacing guilds with maxed SOS increases plunder from both assass and Atk?