Build Change Information

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by itsali, Nov 29, 2013.

  1. I wanted to see some statistics about changing from Guilds to SOS but couldn't find anything that good so I decided to do it myself. This is my first thread post so bear w/ me if I make any mistakes.

    What I had: (all max level)
    LL: x1 Castle x2 Coe x2 SOS x20 guilds
    HL: x1 Colony x3 Volary x3 Sentry(sdt) x16 guilds
    HF: x1 Descry Stronghold (saying it again all is max lvl)
    Plunder bonus from allies on hitting haunt
    Before nerf: 18.8m After nerf: 15.4m
    (All numbers rounded)
    To test I took down one guild and put up a SOS and maxed it.
    Plunder bonus from allies: 15.6m So about a .2m gain

    Took down remaining 19 guilds on LL and put up lvl 3 SOS so a total of 22 SOS
    Plunder bonus from Allies: 20.3m

    I didn't get a chance to change up my HLs because I ran out of gold. I might do it later on depending on if other ppl post better threads than mine. Tell me what you think and if this is better or worse.
  2. Reserved
  3. Thank you for doing this!
  4. I don't see the point you are trying to give here
  5. @Subtle
    I'm not trying to prove any point. This isn't my opinion just straight facts. If someone wants to know what happens when build changing their guilds to SOS.
  6. Thanks bud. ALSO hansels end bonus is higher. Imidiate plunder isnt it all.
  7. Guilds lvl4 <lvl 1 sos lvl 4 < lvl 1 vol.

    ⇨Also end bonus⇦ skim spies. Youll be surprised.
  8. U copied the post !!
  9. From where?
  10. Re: Build Change Informoh im ation

    Oh im sorry..i read your post once and after switching 2-3 pages ahead your guide came again so i had like a 'deja vu' feeling lol sorry thanx fr info
  11. Nice - thanks for the post!

    So replacing guilds with maxed SOS increases plunder from both assass and Atk?