General enquiry regarding a 'build change day' full refund when selling/destroying any building. If/when would this likely to be? (Once or twice a year ONLY) Ideally soon to enable build tweaking to be completed prior to S5 starting. Although there are plenty of opportunities for growth, the 'build change day' would be another route for players to adjust their build to be able to realistically participate in wars without having an 'EB' build. Possibility of creating more EE entries and a more regular and consistent match up. And for players like myself with OCD, a chance to be able to move buildings around to get the land pattern all back in order. Hope this sounds a worthy and sensible suggestion to potentially heighten EE participation.
Support but devs have gone mental recently KAW is slowly dying to many events clan loyalty has gone this is now called kingdoms PAY TO STAY. I'm starting to loose interest in the game
Honestly this would increase participation in the upcoming season in some capacity. Many eb builds knows it would take many months to convert to even be somewhat effective in wars. Devs should at least do this once bc there is no downside besides some complaining they worked so hard for their build. I've based mine around warring and have no problem with more joining and doing the same.
It has been brought up multiple time but devs r not interested. I don't understand why we can't at least move buildings around to organize them better
Full Support. If devs are concerned about abuse of the funds generated from tearing down builds they could implement simple rules. For example they could set it up so you can only tear down a building and replace it with the same level of alternative same tier building. So if you tear down a lvl 4 highland attack building you could only replace it with a lvl 4 highland balance or defence building or a lvl 4 spy building or lvl 4 adt or lvl 4 sdt. Or something similar. Thx. Come on devs lets us sort out our builds
Full support JC. For those of us fast losing interest this would at least kick start us infrequent players to war again.
Support x10. So tired of looking at my lands when I first put them up in a haphazard order. I'd like to just switch buildings around into different positions at the very least. Would be a super simple fix. The way you drag and drop apps on devices.
The idea of "Change Your Build Day" has been brought up a lot of times, by different Kingdoms at War forumers. CoolCrash with over 1,000 Supporters thread and Moose recently. Although it has been brought up different times, it is good to see that players have not forgotten about it. It is still a good idea. It would help war activity. It would help people with the proclaimed "OCD". Additionally, developers do not loose money at all. For the reason that as a player you made your proclaimed amount of gold to buy those upgrades. They are not giving you anything extra, just a 100% Building Refund for your purchase. Ideally players have stated that the reason that developers have not made this available is for the reason that they are greedy. With that being truth or not. There stands a question: Have developers being trying to implement this, but also making sure that it cannot be exploited? Do Not know where CoolCrash thread went or ended up at, but the idea of "Change Your Build Day (100% refund) gets my support again. Good Luck on your thread. Also, the developers tend to always be lurking in forums. Don't give up your hopes just yet. As long as they don't state an official announcement of this not being implemented, this idea has a chance.
Already same idea proposed before with response from devs that never will happen. MODS, PLEASE LOck THIS ONE FOR GOD'S SAKE! THANKS