Hi brs are not registered as unlocks this is not right surely shorter time to do eb really should be unlocked if run as a br it shows it can be done surely
Do you realize that is this is implement you'd probably have to unlock the regular eb first to have the br available and not the other way around?, :?.
Blood rains are indeed available if you didn't unlock the original, but if you run the br it won't unlock the original, because it's like a whole different eb... Op wants that running br counts as unlocking the regular, but if devs merge br and reg they might make what I said, instead what op wants, :lol:.
If I'm understanding OP correctly, then by that logic, this could potentially bypass the need to unlock EB sets in order. This could result in a clan doing a FoD BR and having instant access to HtE without doing any other from that set (like haunting, NQ, or CotD). Same for any other series..
Then surely you could unlock the regular EB op? I understand that unlocking EBs is a pain but it must be done. How fair to older clans would it be if, as was said, a new clan accessed HTE by unlocking FoD BR while the older clan had to unlock all tier 5 EBs before getting HTE? Alternatively (someone else mentioned it), having BRs count as separate EBs and getting a clan bonus for unlocking them would be great.