Bronze Bars

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by OMET0TCHTILIl, Aug 20, 2013.

  1. Hello all I was just wondering what is the most bronze bars you have ever had??? Right now the most I have had is 1258.
    Can't wait to see your replies. Happy Kawing!!
  2. 11k bronze bars
  3. But maybe 35k?
  4. 35k? FML 137 ._.
  5. Like 550 :/
  6. 3 or 4k
  7. I sold mine before I would hit a thousand.
  8. Least now we know who it would hurt the most if we stripped them.
  9. Maybe 7k at once but no more.
  10. I bank in good allies but also have bil banked in various pots
  11. I had 2t in bb
  12. I got like 1.5t now
  13. 75k now