bronze bars

Discussion in 'Wars' started by XXxxXXWAR-PSYCHOXXxxXX, Apr 29, 2013.

  1. Hey I was just wondering, I just started to save up on bronze bars and I have 147 how many do y'all have?
  2. Hang on while I count them. 1, 2, 3. OMG' I have 3!!!
  3. Well I banked earlier and have 2k :)
  4. [​IMG]

    Roughly over 25 bil when converted.

    Just enough to get me to max ally plunder if needed. The rest is going into attack and defensive pots.
  5. i bank with attack pots
  6. I would moose but I may use them.
  7. Only 25 speakers? . You gotta fix that
  8. This thread made me look at what I was sure of was 0 but turned out to actually be 848 bars! Didn't remember I had them. Yay :)
  9. Lmao :D

    I had 70 at one point after buying all the cheap $2 propacks but I used them all. :(

    Also, I know attack pots are a better buy, but the bronze bars are just too shiny to ignore...
  10. 0! But I do have 241 mith :)
  11. 1,178
    Can't remember the last time a purchased any...FoD has been good to me
  12. Do the bars give you the exact amount there worth when you sell them
  13. No, they give back 22.5 mil per bar
  14. I had 400 the other day but than i sold them and upgraded now i has 0 and 4 speakers :(
  15. Most i had was durning an OSW.. 1,800ish or so
  16. Most i had was durning an OSW.. 1,800ish or so
  17. Photobucket sucks..
  18. I just got 252 in storm. I flipped.