
Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by -DaveStrider-, Feb 23, 2012.

  1. So, recently I created a new story--credits for the idea go to Bloody-Jigsaw (I think, sorry if I'm wrong) Hope you enjoy it, and please laeve your feedback here!
  2. U missspelled Excited in ur story and u just mispelled Leave :cool:
  3. @Priestess
    You misspelled misspelled
  4. Oh sorry about that. Lolol again.
  5. Chapter one up!! The chapters are ment to be short, by the way.
  6. Bumpity Bump for a friend who couldn't find it!
  7. ^~^ I liked the argument.

    But that wasn't the point, was it?....

    Oops ^-^
  8. Lmao no, the point was teh
  9. @smexxy- please make the "post comments on feedback" in your story in larger text. People can't read that.

    If you don't want people to troll you on your story thread, then do not respond to them on the actual story thread. By responding, you open up a conversation.

    I have deleted this time, but I won't in the future if you argue anytime someone posts something negative on your story.

    Just wall me and ask me to delete the comment on your thread. There is no need to feed the trolls. (DBo is not a troll. He is a smexy prince)
  10. Lol okay, belle. Thanks for deleting them.
  12. no.... i did not delete the entire thread. good gravy. I'm beginning to side with dbo on this. for real. When I delete the posts, the thread is no longer bumped, just search for it
  13. I did. It said "This topic does no longer exist"
  14. OMG! look! there it is!!!!!!!

    Now, if I delete the bump, it will go back to being on, like, pg 30.

    Don't freak out.
  15. Damn computer. I clicked on another thing and it said the same thing. Switched to my iPod and it didn't say anything 
  16. -laughs- Wow see? D_Bo is right that ur a freak(ing out)
  17. That ur a freaking out?U don't make sense