I know in everyone's eyes, I look like a noob who's been playing for maybe about 4 months. Well you thought wrong. I've been playing for 4 years almost 5. The point of this thread is that I'm tired of EE wars, or Ebs (Epic battles). Sure EE wars are easy mith. But Ebs are a waste of time in my words. Back in the old KaW, it was exciting. All the 1v1, and the actual fight to make it to the top. Now a days, people are blowing tons of money on this game. Its their money, they have the choice to do what they want with it. But KaW has fell away from its roots. I mean back in the old KaW, You had to war to get gold. Now, you hit ebs THAT DONT EVEN HIT BACK. Its a war game. Not an eb game. KaW had changed way to much. I'm suggesting once a year, for like 2 weeks, Ebs should be shut down, and the Pwars should come back. To give players who wasn't around for that era, a taste of what it was like. Back then, KaW players didn't have the luxury of "Free Gold". They had to fight for their gold. That's what made the game interesting. This is just my opinion and suggestion.
Pretty sure in the "old kaw" people used inactive osf and pwars to grow. Don't think PvP was very big then either
Idk it was just a suggestion. I just get tired of ebs or people who cry about losing a 1v1 or getting farmed
Old kaw had never left Op jus expanded, it's more to do In the kaw of today then the kaw of Old inactive farms jus been replaced with eb. But I could be wrong
Xtreme, for all I know you could have looked that up. I've seen it in forums. So no That's not evidence
I actually didn't think you were a noob that played for 4 months. I thought you were a noob that hates how people grow faster than him.
Sigh... There are something like 40 thousand players in KAW and 50 thousand of them have been playing for at least 4 years!!!
Op how long has kaw been out? Who was first mod? Who's on top of forum lb? Who's only player to ever be #1 on all 4 lb's at same time?