Bring back "Joined in War"

Discussion in 'Wars' started by _J___e____m________o__________, Feb 15, 2013.

  1. It's obvious everyone is active in new war system but I think devs need to bring back when a player "Joins the War" so clans can better judge who is not taking EE war seriously and clans can better manage there members. Even if just says a player "Joined the war" I'm news feed. Beginning of war is pretty critical for some clans. Would just be a nice addition to EE wars IMO :)
  2. Or you can check the war roster, it updates every minute.
  3. 
  4. True. I just liked that feature and wish they'd bring it back. Plus if some smaller account fails actions you don't know they joined,
  5. If a smaller account is failing every single action, they should probably find a smaller clan to EE with.
  6. Doesn't that defeat the purpose of people warring from their home clan. IMO EE wars just created Merc clans again.
  7. Well..I suppose a smaller player is still contributing even if they are failing. Which ultimately helps the larger players in the long run.

    How about if a player isn't veiled and doesn't become active in the war within a certain amount of time, they're automatically dropped?
  8. That's actually a great idea.
  9. I'm sure people won't like it but if you join a 4 hour war be active for the four hours or don't join. People invest a lot into these wars. I support that idea Drgnblade.
  10. Thank you, and I agree. 4 hours is nothing. If you join a clan to war then at least show them the courtesy of being active. If not, c-ya.
  11. 4hrs is like 1/4 the day you're awake.

    Some people have jobs, school(or both), family to tend to, vacations. Not everyone knows to veil, some clans sign up last minute. It would be unfortunate to be dropped from your clan due to bad communication with the clan.
  12. You should make a thread about that idea I'd love to see how many people would support it. I think it only betters the new war system.
  13. I already do not support both.

    In the beginning of the war, these notifications can clog your newsfeed. Making lag worse and losing incoming hits.

    And I already posted the reason why I don't support drgn's idea.
  14. We all have stuff to do Jam but when I war I am fully committed them four hours or I don't join. If your not veiled in time it's either your not very active or your clan needs to better prepare.
  15. Exactly, it shouldn't penalize a player for a clan not preparing better.
  16. I haven't been available to war recently and I'm casting veil or leaving clan, there's no problem if you can't commit to 4 hour wars Jam that you should let your account sit there inactive. Get your veil on, leave the clan, or war. Relating this back to Drgn's idea, that's why any inactives should be automatically dropped (they shouldn't be there in the first place but of they are...).

    Not to mention 4 hours is pretty short considering how long wars used to be.
  17. Umm, if the clans not well prepared and full of inactives it's best if they were to get dropped quicker otherwise they could have some $$$ out they might lose.
  18. That's good for you Justice, knowing to cast your veil and knowing that your clan is going to war.

    Not every person does, and they shouldn't be penalized for it. I think you're missing my point.
  19. I disagree. Players like myself have invested billions into the new war system and inactives ruin the experience. There is more then enough time to veil. Clans I've warred with you veil or get tagged for war. It's the EE seekers who aren't warring 100% that bother me. It's War not an epic battle...yes it's a game also but I enjoy a intense war experience and inactives ruin the fun. Fully support Drgnblade's Idea and it should be considered.