bring back 2x and 3x eb's

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by WolfINsheepsClothing, Feb 2, 2014.

  1. Devs please bring back 2x and 3x gold/equipment drop eb's. This feature kept things interesting with a desire to run different eb's everyday. Since HTE has been released, all other eb's have gone stale. It was a daily excitement to see which eb(s) were the daily special.


  2. Uhh that was a summer promo) (i believe)
  3. Whatever the case..... It made kaw more enjoyable!
  4. She has a point.. Hte is boring :p but the best way to grow if that's what you want. Maybe release an item costing 59 nobs that when used to start an eb it doubles plunder/drops.

    Ofcourse they would have to program a new button into it on the eb select screen
  5. Support. Argh i gots to have me gold!
  6. *Tries to remember when an eb was ever exciting*

    It's not the devs fault your clan runs the same eb. Stop asking for more stuff.
  7. I vote 3x drop rare of seals on tsg
  8. Nobody is asking for more stuff.... We are asking for what once was before they released HTE, which we happen to run a lot but it's getting old.
  9. Then you are asking for more stuff....
  10. Troll be gone! You shouldn't even be on my post anyhow.
  11. I would rather 4x and 5x YESH!!
  12. Why? I'm on topic and I'm not breaking tou.

    Why complain about eb's being boring when we have bigger problems?
  13. Yes, you are asking for more stuff. People pay to get the extra income HTE provides. You're asking for that extra gold for free basically.

    And those 2x/3x haunts were just a promotion, not a standard on what kaw should usually be like.
  14. Clearly u weren't around when they did that, or maybe you were but I understand the concept of hte completely. I'm not the only one getting bored with it. I spend plenty of money on seals. Just would be nice to have something else to choose from that didn't effect everyones pocket. If they did it before how hard would it be to do it again. Just saying. Ughhhh
  15. Yes Cuz I need some equip
  16. Those ebs were a summer promo and the and rowb were supposed to be limited time ebs
  17. Support
  18. Screw it, give us X100 haunts for a day! :lol:
  19. Exactly I'm not just referencing gold here..... I'm taking about equipment eb's as well.