So I'd love to take credit for this idea but alas it is not an original Icey master plan. It is however a brilliant idea whose voice I felt was lost when it was put into a separate forum post in reply to ideas by ATA's very own Charles the cheeky Charlie on buildings. Basically, the idea was that whenever the Devs decide to release new lands or new tiers to existing buildings they should reverse the buildings stats. The first build or upgrade should offer the player the largest stats and every subsequent upgrade a lower increase ultimately resulting in the last upgrade being the most expensive but carrying the smallest stat increase. This would give smaller players a huge boost to stats and bridge the quite massive differences in build stats we can all see. It should also mean more sustained players and it would certainly be more attractive to new players who otherwise may think they've missed the KaW boat and will never be able to catch up to established kingdoms. Apologies that I can't remember who originally posted this idea but I really thought it was worth further discussion. Some input from good ole Charles or even big bad Grant or any of the lovely ATA (perhaps we can get some lovely lady ATA you doin) peeps would also be awesome. Over to the KaWmunity Thanks Icey
I've wondered how ATA would feel about a KAW lottery. Winner would win land upgrades. That would be a quick way to bridge that gap.
One more thing to add. I would not be averse to a big change coming into affect immediately. So the Devs could actually make this happen right now. Next upgrade for anyone being the best stat increase, reducing stat increases until the building was maxed. Thanks
They are satisfied with how the current game is. Every previous new expansion, they've decided to include a price cut to previous tiers to bridge the gap or include building upgrade tokens. With this release, they quietly increased the silver bar payout on all events. Their solution is to keep pumping out events to bridge the gap. Will that solve it? You be the judge.
Interesting Chaos. No denying your logic. Personally no I don't feel it will bridge the gap fast enough. We want more war participation, certainly more than we currently have. We want more kingdoms to slug it out. I'm gonna be honest farming the hell out of a build half my size during pvp really isn't very fair on them. It's funny as hell but not fair lol (I apologise in advance to all the smaller builds I will be farming this weekend due to lack of larger targets) Oh and big thanks and shout out to Kezzer who spawned this idea. Found his post in Charlie's building post. Thanks brother.
I like this, but also it could be better to make each upgrade balanced. Example: Osmon Rai's Prizmai Ashwhatever If you balanced the amount of stats you get per upgrade, each of the 10 upgrades would give you an added 846,032cs (846kcs). This would cause the smaller players to grow faster and it wouldn't make the final upgrade worthless. EDIT: Or maybe so that it wouldn't cause people to grow too fast, just do my idea for Hoarfrost and the abyss and it might work better though.
Nice logic. Something definitely needs a change to counter this and this idea could work! Builds ten times my size can hit me...find that odd, too. (•ө•) Pingu seal of support
I definitely think the bridge should be gapped. One good idea is for events to have the reward interval growth less. Meaning the interval at which silver bars grow should be less and less each benchmark. The newer small builds are the ones who actually need the gold. I fully support you and what you say Acetown. Thank you.
This games future depends on new players. Thus, we need a good experience for them for the future of this game I care about.
Doesnt this already happen? When you build a new building, you get a stat increase. Then, it costs gold to upgrade. Each upgrade costs more, but from my understanding, level 10 doesnt give a bigger stat increase than level 9? Same with levels 3 or 4. Or any of them. Im pretty sure, it might give less of a stat increase for each consecutive level. I dont quite understand. Am i wrong?
Could always drop the sb pay outs for the upper tiers and buff the eq, raise the low tier sb pay out ( eq low as it is). since new Smalls don't have a chance of getting the upper tiers in events which might help a bit, but what do I know I'm a noob
Full support of this, it's clear the game won't survive without new players joining the ranks. I've tried getting some of my own friends to play but they felt intimidated by the strength of most kingdoms from veteran players and didn't bother committing to the game due to "the KaW boat leaving the dock years ago" There should definitely be more opportunities for smaller kingdoms to make their way up which would help grow an even more loyal fan base which the devs need to survive. I love this logic and id really like to see a beneficial change for everyone like this.