Breathe Life into EE Wars...

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Nighthawk_FPBO_1, Dec 10, 2014.

  1. I for one believe wars r important to the fabric of KaW.
    IWars have proven their popularity.
    Season Wars r competitive n offer good rewards.
    ASW is a huge opportunity for many ppl to enter a tourney on a huge scale.

    Now looking into Round wars: All Out War
    Starting with Round Wars they r barely existent n achieve only a wasted war slot more often than not. There is clearly very little interest in them n wc is always filled with very good war builds looking to war n very little coming of it.
    Why is this? I surmise too few war clans care about them n even less effort to enter them.
    Why do Round Wars even exist still? No clue

    Summary: with many players accumulating BFE/BFA there appears to be little to no interest in using them unless for EE renewal if at all. How long is needed to understand that these wars r less than wanted n why they remain is beyond the vast majority of KaW warriors understanding. Quality of the war experience should rule the day instead of persisting Round Wars belong. I see no evidence nor data that substantiates otherwise.

    Onto Primal Wars: Build vs Build
    I assume the lull after S4 has much to do with less war clans entering along with the bombardment of events n promos distracting participation. The pure warriors continue to war n others to renew or ug their EE bonuses. I'm thinking that these wars r the last bastion for war clans n it seems interest is also dwindling.

    Questions to ask:
    What is in store for future wars?
    Can the devs be more transparent n forthwith on upcoming war seasons n tourneys?
    Can the devs also post upcoming dates for the future n what we can look forward to?
    Can we have more War Tourneys?

    These r my overviews on war n can use more input/feedback. If posting be constructive n leave whining n crying n snivelling out of posts.
    Quality over quantity may help bring about a better war experience but quantity has been lacking of late as well. Lets stem this stagnation of clans/ppl warring to improve this game.

    Look forward to your interesting ideas TY
  2. Very few clans war in this Preseason. They need to start s5 soon.
  3. I have seen many ppl ask on wc, " looking for war whatever number, no noob clans however." That's the problem right there, u think all the big war clans didn't start out as noob clans?

    So now u didn't get a war clan, whose fault is that? Yours cause you probably didn't go to a noob war clan recruiting, and instead wanted a big one. If you want to war, go to a clan that is recruiting during that war, or make your own war clan to build a roster the way you like it.

    I'm not known for warring, only indi cause I usually never have xtals and refuse to buy, but if you want more clans warring don't ask for no noob war clans
  4. There r parameters for many ppl to join any old war clan. Simply joining a clan for sake of entering a war is not popular for established warriors.
    Organized clans with a plan will be better served n can recruit easier.

    Clans without max clan bonus opened r hurting their chances n not ready. Warriors join clans with the opportunity to win n will not be enticed if too many factors hinder chances to compete.
    This is only one example recruits consider.
  5. Why would any sane person war this preseason?

    Match ups are literally crap, why would I war if I'm going to match an all hfbc roster with 150m cs more?

    Answer is im not. I would rather slaughter my opposition in an INDY war once every 2 weeks..
  6. Sums it all uplack of incentives to war
  7. Support my rosters are always 100mcs smaller than dl but we seem to match them all the time
  8. I think the devs tried to get rid of rounds, but some big LB accounts made them include it. Money talks.
  9. Again look at my roster vs ZAFT ghost legendz roster
  10. I have around 5 sh casted they have 0 I have 2 and 1 big ps1 and 1 hansel rest smalls how did we match ZAFT ghost legendz!?
  11. Comment on me 
  12. Idk the range devs use for match ups. That said tonight has many Primal clans entered (10).
    Maybe cs Tiers can be a choice:
    450m cs
    350-449m cs
    100-349m cs
  13. Round wars are dead. Ee is dying full stop with the insane amount of gold on offer hittiin hte plus chests and various other promos. Its only worth warrin season time when decent rewards on offer.

    Why not make the off-season more appealing by giving better rewards....easy fix
  14. Make wars more profitable and tempt new ppl to the other side of kaw, which is a hell of a lot more fun
  15. Accumulate Rancor points n trade in for Mith EQ an idea? Something similar?
  16. Why war when wars cost time money and gold and u only get 10 tokens. Events make more money for devs. Half the world cant war at decent times because of 9 hr gap. War clans are dying and u only have mynameis trying to recruit. Most ee warriors got screwed on s4 so they dont put any effort anymore
  17. EE wars need to pay out better, especially if we need a thousand mith just to buy s2equipment. I still can't understand the funny math the devs use to calculate mith. Win a war, use an xstal, but only make 22 mith profit? What's the point?
  18. Support ️
  19. Support this thread. I made one too just before this one asking same question of devs. Less promos and concentrate on war system failures to bring great wars back to this game