BRB Secret Club House

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by Zerk, Aug 22, 2010.

  1. Well, this is a fun secret club house... Originated when I was in my subclan and this is the plave where we all go after we post BRB in clan.

    1st Floor: Kitchen: Lines and lines of kitchen gadgets everywhere! Always bringing more materials and we have machines to cook, bake, create everything!

    2nd Floor: Arcade: A giant arcade room! Biggest arcade in the world! Has free use to all machines, and the best, there is a Wii version of KaW! (lol) Over +100000 arcade games!

    3rd Floor: Paintball: 10 courts of paintball, each with a different theme. Desert, Jungle, Space, etc... Different weapons & armor!!!

    4th Floor: Racing Cars: A giant racing car stadium where you edit your car and get ready to kick ass in these races.

    5th Floor: Snack Zone: Just check name.... Warning: Be alert before entering this room. You may get addict to all the snacks....

    6th Floor: Pool & Live Bands: There is a big pool and a stage for live bands everyday, the best bands! A bar also in a corner.

    7th Floor: Sports: Sport courts: Tennis, soccer, basketball, volleyball, even baseball!

    8th Floor: Balcony: Awesome balcony with telescopes pointing to stars, and a fun place to hang with friends.

    *All house has 3.1/3 Wi-Fi, yes, 3.1/3.*

    *House is protected by a force camp, I accept who enter and who don't.*
  2. Copy cat ):
  3. BRB... got to go to clubhouse :)
  4. This originated in clan chat as a joke a group of people were leaving and coming each certain minutes, and also I'll update this:

    *No one can suffer nor be killed inside the house*

    *Buildings are unbreakable... Not cheap plastic buddy :) *
  5. Way to keep the tradition alive serk
  6. Lol Elly :D
  7. Love it nd btw elly the sub was analysis a.k.a DA BOMB!
  8. BRB... got to see BRB Secret Club House'. Plasma 3D TV.
  9. Am I allowed to come into... THE BRB! (BathRoomBreak)

  10. How is this secret?

    And can I join?
  11. Yeah.

    It's not secret xD
  12. You clearly state that it is secret in the title. I want my money back :(
  13. I never taxed any money, there's a hobo at the entrance, did he tax you?