boycott wars until ee match fixed

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by troubled-spank-strawbarry, Aug 18, 2013.

  1. Boycott wars just as simple as that no big fancy explanation needed. Everything has been stated over and over, it's broke fix the system. No more wars for me
  2. Devs can't fix anything if people don't war to find the problems in the first place.

    This thread is redundant.
  3. Support

    Just kidding :p
  4. Someone got their ass handed to them and they're butthurt about it lmao.
  5. Don't really care
  6. People wont boycott, after 300 hours you lose your edge.
  7. This makes no sense. Devs improve war system based on turnouts and players' feedback. If we all boycott EE there is no feedback of any type. And the system stays stagnant.

    No support.
  8. Boycott boycotting the EE wars!!!!!!!
  9. We had people lose more in one KO then 7 of your members made in the whole war, maybe fixing your roster would make your clan more effective. 
  10. Wars are fine. They have always been fine. Even before they added in bfe and the dts;dtw

    People before who were mad that gh could hit big hansels were crybabies. Is it that hard to add att def towers. Lol. But I'm getting off topic. Its not the war matching system that has the problems. Its the players that use it.
  11. Current system is fine……
  12. The devs have worked all summer fixing match up issues.

    Read their post on plunder difference. EE's will always have it's flaws but it is a closer match up now.

    If you was distroyed in ee, There is a chance that is because you went up against an experienced war clan that fought in unison and was commanded by intelligent admins/owner.

    That happens.

    For as simple as this game is, it has a complex to it. To which make war strategies the make or break in ee and system war.

    Food for thought.
  13. Op, you are a member of KOS... They can war from the chatter I've heard.

    My advice, before makeing a post like this, consult your clan's admins and owners. You may have lost the EE but I see no reason why you are complaining about match up issues in your clan.

    This is a war clan, everyone suffers their losses and wins. It happens. Get some rest and bounce back for the next fight.
  14. This is a war game***
  15. Boycott ee wars until EBs are removed..
  16. Whilst they have been working all summer 'fixing' match up issues we are no closer to fair matches now than we were 100's of wars ago.

    War strategies and tactics can only take you so far. If you're over matched you're going to lose no matter how good your commanders, trackers and players are its really that simple.

    Plenty of poor match ups this weekend proves that the match up algorithm still isn't fit for purpose. Devs trying to do too much at the same time and failing.
  17. Yes that is brilliant!!! Boycott the wars!!! That way the devs will have no new statistics from the wars and they can fix them. This makes absolutely no sense. I know the devs probably have tons of stats from all the previous wars. But you have to look at it this way. No single war is exactly the same as any war that happened before it. The devs need people to war to gather their data so the can fix the problems. If you are done warring, be done warring. Don't just be done because you have had some bad matchups. There is no possible way the devs can have a perfect match for your clan everytime you war. The only way to do this would be for EVERY SINGLE CLAN in KAW war. Run the numbers and get the match-ups as close as they can, then repeat the same match-ups for every war. There will always be variances in clan size. This takes into account CS, BFE, BFA. Everything that goes into the algorithm the devs use for a matchup. Another option would be to lock everyone's stats, give no more gold out and lock ally lists. This way no ones stats would ever change. If no ones stats ever changed then they could make perfect matchups everytime. Do you want to lose the ability to grow, buy allies, upgrade equipment and everything else that makes this game good? I think not.

    If you don't like the wars, don't do them. Get yourself in an EB clan and pound away at those haunts to your hearts content!
  18. @Get-Iced: amen brother!!! I completely agree. Even when I am in a clan that gets curb stomped by the other clan I don't complain. It wasn't a "BAD" match-up. It was a war and we got beat. Simple as that. The war system works how it is, it could be a little better, but if nothing, not a single thing changes before season two starts, I will still war. Why? Because wars are fun!!! The game is called Kingdoms at WAR after all.