Boycott Time Trials

Discussion in 'Wars' started by spookyrobbie, Jul 4, 2014.

  1. The increasing of crystal spend conveniently coinciding with the time trials has really shown ATAs true intentions .

    Heart of Gold family will not be participating on such and I ask that any clan wish to make our voices heard loud and clear also add to this list .

    Furthermore I strongly advise that you do not spend money on 96 crystals instead use it for something better by spoiling yourself or loved ones .
  2. Support
  3. I doubt someone would buy 96 xstals for this.
  4. Boycott ALL purchases instead. If they devs can't hear what we are saying, then we must give them something to notice. Something similar too a LOT LESS income from the game. Maybe it will grab their attention, and MAYBE the devs will actually respond to us.
  5. Ruin their ratings again!
  6. What's the point?
  7. If you guys don't want them, just don't do them. It isn't that hard not to do them.....
  8. Support. Lb players dont care about time trials they will just max xtal on hte.
  9. Shut up unknown. You are clueless. You don't think ATA's money grubbing is a problem.
  10. Support and they can stick 96 xstals up their arse the crack smoking cunts
  11. Correct me if I'm wrong but nobody is forcing you or anyone to participate in the time trials. So what is the point of boycotting??

    Dumb thread = no support
  12. Boycotting purchases to show the devs they can't be greedy fucks.
  13. ATA's money grubbing is business. They made the game and run it, you play it. It's their say if they want or need more money. If they want time trials there will be time trials. If you don't like it, don't do them or don't play the game.
  14. Well, it's clear that the committee has agreed that your new policy is a really excellent plan but in view of some of the doubts being expressed, may I propose that I recall that after careful consideration, the considered view of the committee is that while they considered that the proposal met with broad approval in principle, that some of the principles were sufficiently fundamental in principle and some of the considerations so complex and finely balanced in practice, that, in principle, it was proposed that the sensible and prudent practice would be to submit the proposal for more detailed consideration, laying stress on the essential continuity of the new proposal with existing principles, and the principle of the principle arguments which the proposal proposes and propounds for their approval, in principle.
  15. I was boycotting purchases before it was cool. Although it may have just been because it wasn't in the budget  lol.