Boycott 2 xtal 1 hr wars

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Talbert, Dec 6, 2013.

  1. Not that one clan really matters but we will be boycotting wars 11-14.

    I hope many will join us to send a message to the devs that we will not blindly head to the oracle to line their pockets even more under the disguise of "chaos wars."

    The EE war community in kaw has put up with a lot of crap from the devs while they have been trying to get the system right, to ask more $$ out of us per war is blatant disrespect.

    Please do not participate.
  2. 1hr 2xtal... meaningless war!!!! minimum strategy needed. pure size.

    support boycott!!
  3. Well said...2 xtals in 1hr is totally and utterly unnecessary...BOYCOTT !!!!
  4. Support. Have not warred for a while but is ridiculous
  5. I expected this to be an idiot...but I agree :shock:
  6. Wingless are you serious? I'm pretty quick to give Devs a beating for adding too many layers to kaw it's true. But come on be serious. If Devs don't sell stuff from Oracle how long do you think they will keep kaw going?

    2 xstals is a problem? Then don't war but stop whinging. Shouldn't you be doing homework anyway?
  7. Support! 
  8. Full support ! Anyways devs…i m not spending my money on useless useless things…2 xtals 
  9. I agree they need to sell stuff. But they are already making a killing off the current xtal rules. Why the need to increase it?

    Nah I got my bachelors degree (summa cum laude) already, but thanks for asking. ;)
    We are protesting because we don't want to see this type of war become a trend as we will have to participate in a lot less of them. Devs are experimenting with different war rules, and I get that. But it seems they are mostly experimenting with how much money they can milk from us each war - which is also understandable. I just hope that most EE clans will send a clear message that this is above our spending threshold.

  10. Support 1hour / 2 xtals and miths payout suck. BOYCOTT (now im on EE Break anyway lol) Good Luck in war Tal and WA
  11. Support! 2 xstals in 1 hr is just too much!!
  12. They got to make money to keep Kaw running but 2xlts per hour is an outrage. Support
  13. lol. just as i was gonna sign up for those. oh well. back to drinking.
  14. 3 xtals in a 1 hour war was too much ... 2 is acceptable.
  15. If there was changes in matching. Was am increase in pay out I could see a reason to do them. I don't mind changes that make sense. Small clan size 2 xstals makes little sense.
  16. 2 xtals in this 90 minute war is awesome the clan i warred at we only needed to use 1
  17. I'll boycott :lol:
  18. Maybe just shell out the $5?