Bow or Shield

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by XiaoFeng, Dec 26, 2012.

  1. Bow or Shield is better?
  2. Well in battle, a shield will help in close combat but i bow can snipe from distance. I pick taco.
  3. Lol floppy :D
  4. Well when "I took and arrow to the knee" a shield would of been useful or another bow ...
  5. Skyrim.... How i have missed you.
  6. Shield has bigger stat bonus (depending on size) but bow has what? A high bonus to attack and spy attacks? Just about preference
  7. lol floppy I love skyrim
  8. Everytime I want to play skyrim it's backed up by me remembering that its very repetitive with all the cave clearing... I'll want to play it again one of these days.
  9. Bow for attack purposes

    Shield for defense purposes
  10. Shield wins because you can use it to block the arrows while you advance on your attacker, you can then use the shield as a bludgeon to take your enemy out (because news suck as a melds weapon)
  11. This thread has all the info on equipment. Hope it helps.
  12. shield when you aren't unloading and bow when you are
  13. Bow no doubt it's a massive static bonus that is larger than the amount of defense added. Though shield could have its purpose