- Bounty Hunter - v2.0 [Reworked] (1v1 EE Wars)

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by W32SQLE_Anarchy, Mar 10, 2013.

  1. Okay, so as most of you are aware, Val posted a thread regarding a new sort of gamemode, he called this "Bounty Hunter". Now before any of you get defensive and try and tell me I ripped off his idea, both him and I have been working together on this idea and trying to get it to go as far as we can. He posted the first thread to gather ideas and fine-tune the idea. He then asked me to make this thread to make a version that incorporated the ideas and took out some that we did and didn't like.

    If you haven't already looked at his thread, here is the link. Bounty Hunter - By Val.

    So now that is out of the way, let's begin.


    What is "Bounty Hunter"?

    • Okay, so the basic gist to it is, you click a "search for target" button. By doing this, you put yourself on the "bounty list". In doing so, you are now signed up to be given a random target on the battle list to hit [ By being random, this stops the possible problem of exploits, you don't get to choose who you hit, only a random selection out of others signed up. ]. However, once you sign up for the bounty list, it is not just all your way, by being on the list, other players who are also "Bounty Hunting" have a higher chance to get you as their random target. This creates one endless circle of both being the hunter and the prey, at the same time.

    Why would the Bounty Hunter mode be implemented?

    • A lot of people are currently unhappy with the way Estoc Edge wars are performing, hence this idea was created. The base of this idea is that the only person who can fail or lead to a loss here is you (or your group - explained later). Meaning there is no need to match clans or have "no matchups :evil: ", you can just log on and start hitting other players - just like back in the good old days!

    What are the "benefits" of bounty hunter?

    • The main benefit of the Bounty Hunter mode, is it brings back PvP. If you get a random person on the battle list and smack them for half an hour to an hour, constantly to earn the maximum reward it is probably going end up with retaliation coming your way, creating more 1v1s, OSWs, ect. If the devs really wanted to bring the WAR back to Kingdoms at War, this would be considered.

      Also, it cuts some slack on clans doing Estoc Wars. Currently, the Estoc Wars are dominated by Guild Hansel and Hansel clans, such as Guilds Inc. , GHC Syndicate, SOTRA, DevilMate Academy. This provides another way for clans to earn mith, still by Player vs Player interaction just as an individual.


    • Ok, now we get to the fun side of things, looking at how it works, ways it could work and other possible ideas. If you listed an idea in Val's thread and we liked it, it will be here, along with your name, as credit. If you do not want your idea listed here for some reason, please let Val or I know and it will be taken down.

    Target System.
    The most important thing is to find your target, so we will start with this idea.
    There were a couple good ways this could be done, so here they are.

    • The random method.
      This is pretty simple yet effective. You simply hit the "Get Target" button and you are assigned one random player that is on your Battle List and has similar stats.

      The "Assassins Creed Method".
      This would work off a similar method that one of the gamemodes in Assassins Creed does. I couldn't think of a better name so...

      There would be something like a "Sign Up" button, that you hit. This then signs you up on the "Bounty List" being on the bounty list means that you are given a random player to hit. Yet this isn't the end, other players who also sign up on the bounty list will be given a random player, this means that while you are hitting your target, you have another target trying to hit you. This creates a seeming less endless circle of hits being traded.
      -Myself (Anarchy)

    Being the Bounty Hunter.

    • There were also two ideas that were made that fall under this category.

      Firstly, you are a bounty hunter, a rouge wolf meaning that the Bounty Hunter gamemode is done as an individual activity - on your own.

      The other idea was.

      Have the option to either be a "Rogue Assassin" or a "Hit Squad". (These names weren't actually included, I just made them up for the story/to make it easier to understand.)
      This means you could still play as an individual by signing up.
      Or, you could play as a group of 2-6 people by signing up as a "Hit Squad". Whether or not these would be random groups, or if you could invite friends is the devs decision if they consider this idea.

    Payout Mechanics.
    There once again, were a couple ways this could be done.

    • The first way, is to have a set reward, of say... 10 mith. To obtain it, during your bounty you would have to land x amount of successful hits in x amount of time. This way it would be the same for everyone.

      The second way is to have an algorithim that works it out, similar to that of the Estoc wars but obviously proportional for an individual. So it could be x amount of mith for.
      x Amount of actions.
      plus x Amount of troops killed.
      plus x Amount of potions burned.
      plus x Amount of potions used.
      plus x Amount of plunder made.
      plus x Amount of plunder taken.

      In x amount of time.

      This means that if you did more than your quota of hitting, you would get more mith, making it a more fair, reliable system.
      -Myself (Anarchy)

    Return Bounty System.

    This was a system suggested to encourage return hits.

    • If someone just pulled off/started a bounty on you, there could be a system to "Return Bounty" on them, meaning you could hit them back, for a slightly extra reward (e.g 10-15% reward increase). This would encourage people to return hits, instead of playing dead.

      Another system that was very good, was if someone say pulled off 4 successful bounties in a row, if you were matched up to them, there might be a 20-25% reward increase to be able to take them down and end their streak. This would add another level of competitiveness to PvP, which I feel would be really good.

    Time Lengths.

    • If EE Wars are to stay in place, I think Bounty Hunting gamemodes could go for.
      30 mins.
      60 mins.
      120 mins.

      This would add a variety for those who some weekends can't war/don't have 4 hours to spare to be mega active in one period of time.

      The cooldown until you can re-sign up would be 12 hours for 30 mins, 24 hours for 60 mins and 40 hours for 120 mins. (Encourages people to go for longer.)

      This is so players can not just constantly stack mith, there is time that they have to wait.
      This could be adjusted, it is just numbers that were quickly come up with.


    Some gamemodes were already discussed but I really liked the sound of this so I want to put it in here. It will be a direct quote as it was explained very well. (If you guys have any gamemodes, I want to hear them! :ugeek: ;) )



    Regarding Estoc Edge Bonuses.

    • A lot have asked about the issue of whether or not Bounty Hunters would receive an Estoc Edge bonus for completing bonuses.

      To be honest, this is completely up to the developers if this idea was to be implememented, all I can do is say my opinion however there are very mixed ones on this topic.

      I personally think Bounty Hunters shouldn't get EE, firstly because it is already a way for you to obtain mithril itself as an individual, to keep things balanced I believe that is more than enough of a reward. You don't want this to become an over-powered gamemode. Also, I don't want every KaWer from the noobs to the LBers walking around with EE because they managed to land some hits in what is meant to be a PvP activity, not a way to go back to smashing out the haunts.

      Honestly if it were to be implemented I think you'd need a seperate system that was weaker than EE for example "Bounty Hunter's Rewards" (yeah bad name, but it's just for the purpose of this) that maybe was only 1/2 - 1/3 of what the EE bonus levels are.



    So that closes it up.

    • Thankyou if you made it this far, that is awesome... I know long thread right?
      I want to give a special shout-out to Kotrizo, we didn't ask for his ideas but he kept posting them which really helped us out. Thanks alot man!

      Yes, I know the thread is long, if you didn't read it, don't bother posting "TL;DR' because.
      a) You look like a moron.
      b) Val will be picking targets from those who do with his army of alts.

    Support us!

    • If you liked the thread, right "Support!" give us feedback, this thread isn't final, it will be edited as we go. Email the devs with a link to this thread! You want oldschool Kingdoms at WAR back? Well here is your chance, get this thread out there people! We will be creating a list of supporters and emailing them to the devs, so make sure to let us know if you do like the idea!
    Constructive Criticism is Needed!

    • How can we improve this idea?
      How can we improve the thread?
      It's all good, neither of us will take offence to constructive crticism, as a matter of fact, it is what we need! Please let us know!
    Thankyou for reading.

    • This idea was thought up by Val.
      Contributed to and reposted by Anarchy.

  2. Re: - Bounty Hunter - v2.0 (Reworked)

    Edit List / Chanelog.

    v2.0 Posted thread - no changes. 10/03/2013
    v2.1 Supporters List added. 11/03/2013
    v2.2 Great Ideas List added. 11/03/2013
    v2.3 Added section regarding EE. 11/03/2013
  3. Re: - Bounty Hunter - v2.0 (Reworked)

    Great Ideas List.
    This is created to note great ideas.
    The only ideas added into the original post are direct improvements on ideas that are already in there and ways the could be fixed. ect.
    The original post is meant to stay as a base idea, if we add all these ideas that everyone has, it is just too hard to understand and you lose the idea. Just like KaW, we started out simple and over the 3 years updates are added.


    Bounty Leaderboad.
    A leaderboard similar to that of the prestige leaderboard that shows the top bounty hunter kingdoms in the game.

    "Hunter" Label.
    A label that shows if someone is indeed bounty hunting you, by viewing their profile it will have something similar to a clan tag next to their name saying something like [Hunter], so that you know they are indeed hunting you and not just hitting you off the battle-list.

    To be continued as more time is available!
  4. Re: - Bounty Hunter - v2.0 (Reworked)

    Suuuuuuporters! <3

      2. Spy
      3. Nobody
      4. Anarchy
      5. VAL
      6. Fractals
      7. Souless_Twilight
      8. -TF-The-Silver-Knight-
      9. whipip
      10. Burninfire99
      11. axontheduskling
      12. not_a_statless_alt
      13. iamaprofessional
      14. xXx____X_____TNT_____X____xXx
      15. Hellsvirus23
      16. t-_-
      17. SoldierOfChaos
      18. CatFishSlim
      19. Kotrizo
      20. Justice
      21. _Scakk_
      22. SWAG-harlemshake-SWAG
      23. DeathSinChaosZamaterasu
      24. II-WAR_II-TheB3AST_II-LoR_II
      25. AON-licon116
      27. l_l_l-DarkAce07-l_l_l
      28. GuillotineFrame
      29. IIII-ANE-8Pn0Y-IIII
      30. 23
      31. Phatman69
      32. xConTineNtaL-
      33. Allosaurus
      34. T4_HeinousAnus_HA
      35. SoupNazi
      36. Bossaroo
      37. Fire-_-Of-_-The-_-Cyndaquil
      38. WL-E_Doggy_Style_WL-E
      39. LordOfDeath123
      41. ShadowMist-_-Wolf
      42. Corsiva-Reincarnated
      43. GogoRambo
      44. IiIIIi___CeRiAl_KiLLa___iIIiII
      45. Chuck_Norriss_Beard
      46. Trestles
      47. bilen_s
      48. SWAG-harlemshake-SWAG
      49. Lava10
      50. MrCuddleBunny
      51. HTE_Snapping_Turtle_HTE
      52. andy427
      53. MH-Farrcodile_Dundee
      54. Clumsy_Titan
      55. lIIlllIIUwAnTs0m3Ju1c3IlIlIlll
      56. Zarpar_TCC
      57. TX-Bacon-Narwhal-Nutella-TX
      58. Zarpar_TCC
      59. IxI____sIcA_mOrTiS____IxI
      60. Skaddeo
      61. Vanquished_Soul
      62. AoC-Jemo-AoC
      63. TheTrollGuy
      64. Sisarot
      65. Robertje_G
      67. IIII_Lost-SHINOBI-Prophet_IIII
      68. Mork_The_Dork_From_Ork
      69. Jennifer
      70. zeus1989
      71. evin99
      72. FlamingTomato
      73. -Storm-
      75. Zorse
      76. -a-c_The_funky_Homosapien
      77. Grammar_Unicorn
      78. lI_WaR-PENGUIN-LoR_Ill
      79. Vaeril
      80. Hazofdeath
      81. S1Cn0c_BaD_m3d1c1n3______
      82. StepwiseCactus
      83. Bombardiooo
      84. ___________VIP3R____________
      85. DE___BREEZY___DE
      86. Fluffes_The_Scary_Bunny
      87. 0METOTCHTD0S
      88. KillerTomatoe
      89. IlIlI_B3Y0ND-DKiNG_IlIlI
      90. NaughtyGwen :mrgreen:
  5. Re: - Bounty Hunter - v2.0 (Reworked)

    Okay i didn't see this any of my skimming but would there be some sort of personal prestige like clan perstige? So there would be a player perstige lb. idk that's all I have to say
  6. Re: - Bounty Hunter - v2.0 (Reworked)

    What about estoc's edge?
  7. Re: - Bounty Hunter - v2.0 (Reworked)

  8. Re: - Bounty Hunter - v2.0 (Reworked)

    It would be kind of interesting to try and adjust the achievements to be appropriate to the time. You don't know if they have full troops/spies or whatever and if they'll just hit back. It has to be done so it isn't impossible to do without xtals and they hit back or way too easy if it is someone who just plays dead.

    Also, you could add a label on the profile someone saying he is hunting you/being hunted by you. That way, at least they know it isn't random hits and might decide to make you fail :p
  9. Re: - Bounty Hunter - v2.0 (Reworked)

  10. Re: - Bounty Hunter - v2.0 (Reworked)

    No Krypton, you didn't see that because it's not
    in there. I really like the idea, however it's something that could happen once the base idea was implemented, the point of this thread was to have a base idea.

    I might use a reserved post for future ideas such as yours, as a player prestige system would be really cool. :)
  11. Re: - Bounty Hunter - v2.0 (Reworked)

    This would cause mayhem. Nice.
  12. Re: - Bounty Hunter - v2.0 (Reworked)

    The amount of troops killed should be changed to x% of troops killed, since different buildings offer different troop amounts.
  13. Re: - Bounty Hunter - v2.0 (Reworked)

    Orb I think a label saying who they are hunting isn't a bad idea, Thankyou, I'll be looking at adding that too...

    People please the constructive criticism is good, but could you put at the bottom of
    your post also whether you support the idea, or don't like it, just so I can start to get the list going/have an idea of whether people like it.
  14. Re: - Bounty Hunter - v2.0 (Reworked)

    Thanks Jam, didn't think of that, I'll fix it.
  15. Re: - Bounty Hunter - v2.0 (Reworked)

  16. Re: - Bounty Hunter - v2.0 (Reworked)

    Also, in the pay out, spies will be upset over the plunder thing.
  17. Re: - Bounty Hunter - v2.0 (Reworked)

    Sounds fun. I like it better than estocs.
  18. Re: - Bounty Hunter - v2.0 (Reworked)

    Nice idea. Support.
  19. Re: - Bounty Hunter - v2.0 (Reworked)

    I really like this idea though. Nice brain storming. :)
  20. Re: - Bounty Hunter - v2.0 (Reworked)

    You may need to consider some sort of time out on bounty mode. If you opt for e.g. A 30 minute 'bounty hunt' and no suitable target is found within a specified period you are taken of the bounty list. If this is not done you could find yourself committed for much longer than you have available waiting for a match.

    Not well explained but I hope you get the essence.