
Discussion in 'Strategy' started by BUZZLiGHTYEARxoO, Feb 25, 2012.

  1. Hi Guys,
    I have just got to 25 lands, i have all tier 2 and 3 attack buildings. I am now wondering if i was to get rid of some and build 5 level 4 guilds would it affect my bonus in epic battles and make me an around better purchase?

    Many Thanks.
  2. Well Mr.Lightyear, considering you have 0 spies as of right now, just having 1 guild (a whole another bar of actions in EB / War whichever you do) Will greatly increase your income, as well as your effectiveness as a Warrior. Also, higher spy stats (for the most part) deter people from spying on you, which I'm sure you probably get battered with spies having 0 spy defence now.

    As for getting 5 guilds, it will lower your plunder, but increase your ally plunder bonus. So it all really comes down to your play style. I suggest you get 1 first, play around with it, see how you like it, then if you like it, add another etc, until you feel that your build matches your ideal game play.

  3. Personally - in my view anyway, guilds are better than t2/3 but not t4, but either way it will increase your earnings. I suggest putting 2 in lowlands, and 4 on the first 4 highlands.
  4. Thanks for the help guys!
  5. A lvl4 guild gives better ally plunder than any T1 - T3 building. lvl4 guilds are by far the best ally plunder per gold spent value in this game. If you wanna get your gold fast and grow quickly, I'd suggest having just enough attack power to do an unload on whatever epic battle you're going for and put guilds on all the rest of your lands.
  6. T4's have better plunder than guilds.
  7. Correct, but a T4 building is going to cost you 3.75b to put up, whereas a lvl4 guild will only cost just over a bill. Therefore a guild gives better plunder per gold spent. Some folks do this just to open up all the lands and then start replacing their guilds with T4 buildings.
  8. True. Although if you had a choice between guilds and T4's then T4's are the way to go ;)
  9. Guilds cost less than a bill. 25k , 2.5 mil , 75 mil, 900 mil. = 977 Mil (and change)

  10. So what about a 19 to 5 split between lvl 3 troops and lvl 4 guilds? (nowhere near the ally bonus or cash flow for t4's yet)
  11. Omega, you got me! I was off by an adjective. I should have used "under" instead of "over." Touche. ;)
  12. Thats a good way - or do a 22:2 split and get 4 highlands and put guilds.

    Another thing, convert to T3 while youre building your guilds. You'll make a lot more.
  13. Buzz, I'd recommend you keep on trucking with guilds. That's just my humble opinion.
  14. :D Yup, other than that, I think we're all at an agreement here. Definatly get guilds, then work on up-tiering the rest of your troop buildings.

  15. Also for reference, Buzz, you can refer to me and Omega's banter on skipping T3 altogether and decide for yourself on what to do with your troop buildings.
