Bonus from Allies Question

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by idontknowagoodname, Oct 3, 2013.

  1. Hey, I was wondering if the BFA that I get from the Allies that I've hired transfers to my owner along with my stats? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks
  2. Ur main kcs no but ur power yes
  3. I'm sorry what is kcs?
  4. Killer
  5. 
  6. No. The bonus from your allies only helps you. It does not transfer to your owner.
  7. Kcs is your bonus to your owner, the stats between 200/300/150/150 (or less) and 12,300,000/12,300,000/180,000/180,000 (redstar's cs) that appears on your profile as "bonus to allies"

    Your BFA doesnt carry over to your owner, the number would be irrelevant unless you were a massive LB player with a few hundred tril in allies
  8. To be precise, they would get .04% of the allies stats.

    And the answer is still no
  9. Does bfa combine with my cs or do I only get a percentage of my bfa? Idk how it factors in to my cs
  10. Thank you 
  11. Bfa isnt factored into your cs.

    You get .2% (1/50th) of the total stats added to your raw strength, that is figured as follows..

    1.)Build stats
    2.)%equip/pro packs/clan bonuses/achievement bonuses
    3.)Static equip/BFA

    Also note that BFE (bonuses from equipment) do not affect LB or clan rank

    Only build stats, (i think) pro packs, and (for sure) BFA count toward clan rank, and as for overall LB it is as follows..

    Battle/assassination/steal/scout actions
    Hire value
    Build stats
    All are weighted differently

    Hope that helped OP
  12. And the .04% is 1/50th OF 1/50th (1/2500th)