Bomber Command - Guardians, READ THIS

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by cheesemuffin, Feb 25, 2011.

  1. I, Cheesemuffin, known more sincerely as Sam, have recently taken control of my clan, Bomber Command. Being a proud FanFic Guardian, I have decided to make Bomber Command the official FanFic Guardian clan.

    Featherhunter has already joined, and I hope you all will join as well.

    "FanFic was great, is great, and will stay great. Such is our pledge. We are the Guardians." - Bomber Command
  2. And I'm an admin :)
  3. i'll a month....maybe....i'll visit :twisted:
  4. Hey, its the muffin
  5. Ill join if allowed but i hate to break it to you- violation! Wrong section
  6. This isn't a violation. It has to do with the Guardians. It is FanFic related, and it is important.

    Therefore, your attempt at a violation accusation is invalid.
  7. Its not a story, RP, or feedback thread and rules you set up aside, this is a violation
  8. U know not to be a pain(which I am) but this really is a violation
  9. This does belong in this section because it is informing the Fan Fiction guardians of a new HQ. It isn't spam, and it doesn't use excessive profanity or spelling errors. Have a nice day .
  10. Do u have any feedback on my story gloomi