Post and see what happens -_-" entry- Best friends would be the proper name for us i guess.Brothers maybe.Our creator made us and then fled the crime scene. We have to survive this town this world full of human meat.flesh.blood.But no we aren't that twilight crap. We don't sparkle we die. Guess it yet me and smallz are vampires. But not just anyold vampires. We have something that they all want. The queen... :twisted:
Chapter 1] Running is something i do not do often, honest to god I would rather fight these bastards even if we are outnumberd 2vampires and a vampire queen that doesnt move versus 20 vampires. Beleive it or not we got the edge. You see, my names Angel and im a vampire so is my bestfriend and brother, Smallz.When our creator made us he fled the crime scene and vampires came to it fast...He stole the queen from them. Them as in every other vampire in the world besides me smallz and him the creator. At the crim scene there was the queen,me, and smallz all lying on the ground. Instinctivly we both jumped on the queen and took her blood. We took till we are full. Newborns are usually never full, there is not enough human for it. Her blood is more powerful than anything you can imagine. It made us princes. Minutes old and we were the second most powerful in the world. Smallz looks alot like me except we werent related before the after life. He has long blak hair he keeps in his eyes, peircings on his ear and lip. Hes tall and Skinny he wears skinny jeans.Me? Black hair i keep in my eyes peircings o n my lip ear hip nose and i wear skinny jeans and tight t-shirts. Skall skinny. YEah the only difference is my eyes are black his are white. Well thats us dont like it? Stop fuckin reading. Now as the vampires came on to us i used the gift of fire to ignite their blood. and then we both used the gift of strength to rip them apart and then once again we used the gift of fire to light their body parts. After that we used the gift of speed to spreaad the blackend ash around. Oh, and when i sa gift i mean vampiric gifts you get when you become hundreds of years old. NOT US BITCHES! Hah, we drank the queens blood now we are so ******* bad ass. But yeah thats how it started. Now we fight off the otherr vampires at night and sleep underground at day. We arent that fake twilight ****. We dont sparkle we die.
CHAPTER TWO Like i said we dont run much but when we do we run like hell. I cant get this through enough We are faster, stronger, and overall smarter.But yeah we are running away now and im writing this all down mentally, We vampires have multi-track brains.Damn i just cant get to what we are doing can i? We are running from some of the ancients. Fire rising from the ground as we sprint with the gift of speed. Run Run Run... Its all a blur to a human. It would just make you all dizzy to watch and you wouldnt know whta hapend. Thats the reason most of you dont know or think we exist. When the ancients chase and hunt they make a point to kill. we are running through the water now. We need to turn around and head to somewhere else and fight them off or we are going to hit hawaii.Turning around i slices ones head off and lit it on fire using the fire gift.Once we hit land we turned around for the battle. We both took out our twin katanas using the gift of fire we lit them ablaze. The human mind wouldnt not perceive it. But me and smallz knew what was hapening. A twist and a turn and their heads fall to the ground. It was simple this time. They all lunged towards us and with a sweep every single one of their heads fell off. Sometimes i think lifes a game. Hell it is for us anyway and we need a stronger apponent. But for now we can focus on finding a place to sleep for the day.