According to my calculations- Bloodlust - 45M att, 6 mith (2.4B for me, probably cheaper still for many) 2x Holy Wrath - 46M att 15M x 26 att/hr x 12 hrs = 4.6B You save over 2B to get (almost) the same effect. Mithril is especially valuable if you are tier 3-4, because it will allow you to hit harder epics.
your calculations seem legit so I'm gonna take your word for it that you telling the truth. I also that it was pretty weird that bloodlust was cheaper
While this is true, what you are not considering is that once this sale is over, mith will be an extreme rarity again. And you're wasting them... Gold is very easy to get. Best case scenario to get mith after sale - you find a nice Mwar. Which kills your profits in return for mith. Lol
The thing you're doing wrong here is assuming that you can use two holy wraths on each attack, which isn't a reality. Do your numbers again using atk pot combinations that 1) are actually possible and 2) are equal in atk power to the bloodlust spell. Then you'll have numbers worth pondering.
Woot nice math but if you put all the spells on that be like 14 Mithril total plus all items when ya attacking wouldt that deal with MASSIVE. Damage ? Well just tested and used all pots/spells: attack Build can do a massive damage for my stats (218) that's huge for someone like me and I only need one last land left so you do the math
While I grasp what your saying and those last two hits do earn you a bit of gold. Here is my question. Why use blood lust when the cheaper battle furry will more then accomplish the task at hand. You are using twice as much mith as is necessary to accomplish the goal of getting those last few successful hits in.