Blood Rains Idea

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by ESQ_Odysseus_ESQ, Aug 24, 2015.

  1. Hi all,

    Little bit of frustration currently with how the BRs are set up and trying to figure out some ideas to make the system a little better for clans, came up with a couple of ideas. Apologies in advance if there was a thread about this previously, as I didn't check.


    I understand that we can't have a 13% or even 11% BR eb up all the time as it might imbalance higher tier clans with middle tier and increase the gap everyone is unhappy about, but having two 5% BR runs for any leaderboard clan is extremely frustrating, most of which last a solid 30 seconds tops and have to be run atleast three times to benefit all members. We have the same problem running destroyer or other 7% runs that take about 15-20 mins, especially during event time. I simply feel that the strength of the average kaw player has outgrown the current BR system.


    Change the current system. I feel that running two sets of BR each refresh would work, one that runs a random 9% to 13% BR EB, and the second one for the middle to lower tier clans of 5% to 9%. This would help the smaller players that can't hit any BR at all and slow their growth when both are refreshed into a high tier, and it would also be great for stronger clans to continually have a higher % running through the week.


    Also: I don't understand why there is no AFF BR in place as of yet, it's become the new haunts staple eb, considering TS is arguably the most difficult BR to run on a kaw wide scale, I can't see AFF being more difficult to put in place?
  2. Really need to mix up the br eb's to suit a mixture of sizes. Would help all then
  3. Support. Bigger ebs for bigger players and higher % smaller ebs for the smaller players. Great idea ody 
  4. Sound ideas
  5. i feel bias in the comments... not sure why
  6. Mixing up the Br ebs is a great idea. There are so many times that there are br ebs like warbeast and battle royal running at the same time. There are also times that there are ebs like ctt and ts running at the same time. When you have two of the same type eb running, all clans are not able to take advantage of the br. If you put a lower tier eb and higher tier eb running at the same time all clans would be able to take advantage of the br. When you have to run a br eb 2-4 times so the entire clan can benefit from the eb, it's extremely frustrating.
  7. Maybe make a tiered system based on clan strength so the smaller clans can get a 13% bonus while doing smaller ebs they have a chance to complete, the biggest clans have shorter times to achieve the same ebs.
    So say a top 100 clan would have 10 Mins to complete tfo while a clan ranked 806 would have 2 hours.
    I understand that would require additional coding but think it would give everyone a good chance to have ebs they can achieve.
  8. Support Ody.
    It makes no sense to run 2 small Br's at one time, or 2 lrg.
    Give the littles a chance devs, and us mids something worth doing. Ur boring the hell outta us....
  9. Two low tier, low percentage br ebs at the same time has zero benefit. Do something Devs!!
  10. support.. I would like a 2hr aff 4 20%
  11. I understand the need for easy BR eb's, but trying to hit an eb that takes 10secs to finish is ridiculous. How about three BR eb's; one easy, one hard and one difficult?
  12. No support
  13. Two low level BRs is silly. Why not three BRs of different levels for the same percentage?
  14. That's a valid alternative awell, not sure how much the disparity between some clans are though, if you can do an 8hr FoD for 13% then no real point having a middle tier right?
  15. well posted and good idea. support
  16. Well said, something needs to be done about it. :)