Black Hand OsW

Discussion in 'Wars' started by DE__lIIlIDaddyTacolIIlI__DE, Jun 18, 2015.

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  1. Reply to Black Hand

    Hi Kaw Community. A couple days ago a forum post was posted by a "Crackdown Member." No worries, the statless alt is not a part of us. It seems like Black Hand is trying to explain to ya'll what happened, well we personally do not believe it's fair for them not to tell you the whole story.

    Throughout this story we will have ss to support everything we say.

    Crackdown has been around since the crack of dawn. We were first part Of Zaft formally known as Zaft Crackdown. We made a family decision to break apart and become a family. We've had our ups and downs, we've had many who have left and many who have joined. It's all worked out for the best. We have alliances, none that I plan on mentioning. Black Hand and our family have never been too fond of each other.

    Last weekend at the beginning of the pvp event, Black Hand made the decision to not only strip our Pure Spies, but our Hansels and attack builds as well.

    Here is an ss of myself being fail stripped. They only took about 10 bil. Good job Black Hand.

    Then here is an ss of my clanmate who as you can see is an attack build

    If you believe that this is insufficient evidence, then the following screenshot showing a member of Black Hand (Fireball) claiming to have successfully stripped him should put your doubts to rest. This is evidence enough.

    Our first approach was not an immediate declaration of osw, but instead to stand our ground while at the same time being reasonable. We asked for an apology and a refund for those who were stripped.

    We then attempted to follow Willy. He never followed back.

    Willy followed our member Aphrodite. His approach then seemed fine. Here is an ss of it.

    Note he gives us permission to retaliate.

    It was then we decided to retaliate. I began tracking "BlackHandFireball for a week. I found his times and we stripped 300 bil off of him. His banner claimed we took only half of it.

    When you look at this ss it goes from "You left 59 bil." To "You left 159 bil" It's funny how stories change so quickly.

    He then made a decision for his entire clan to go to war with us because we stripped a hansel... During the event :).

    The irony in this is hilarious if you read this single ss.

    As you can see he then demanded we refund him and apologize, exactly what we asked at first. The hypocrisy is ridiculous in this.

    Throughout the beginning of this osw many of their members have proven that they only know how to fight from pin or from their mouths. These Ss's will prove my point.

    This is the type of talk below, that really gets me going. For a "respectable clan", why do they recruit disrespectful immature players. This comment was towards our member CrAcKeRsApHrOdItE. This is a game, and I'd wish some people would leave it like that.

    Throughout all of this we have kept our mouth closed because we at Crackdown know how to play the game right. We talk through newsfeed, not mouths.

    Anyone who comes here to talk smack will not be getting our attention. We have only created this forum so the people will know what really happened.

    Thanks for reading.


    Successful strips so far

    13 tril- KittyCat346

    155 bil- BlackHandXtreme

    300 bil- BlackHandFireball

    21 bil- Fate

    41 bil- Eclipse

    16 bil total- 4 bil taken BlackHandAcid

    36 bil- XhootersX

    Nmnmnm-Irish-Farmer 6b cleared

    80 bil- BlackHandEmpress

    40 bil- BlackHandGodFather
  2. Your messed up pictures

    You have the slash wrong

    [ /IMGfit ] not [ \imgfit ]

    Edit* And you fixed them.

    This looks like it is the same as your last BH post..
  3. Wasn't this posted and taken down before? Or is this just another glitch in the matrix?
  4. "Throughout all of this we have kept our mouth closed because we at Crackdown know how to play the game right. We talk through newsfeed, not mouths. "

    It's an app you don't have mouths on here lmao you have your thumbs

  5. I requested a lock awhile back, and have put it back up for future references

  6. Thank you. Fixed.
  7. I hear it's 3 clans vs 1. Is that correct?

  8. No sir it's not.
  9. Seriously you could've left out all the back story. No one cares. And it takes forever to load. Well done on stripping kitty who was basically inactive. Huge achievement bruh especially when you had to call in other clans to fund it. Lolololol
  10. @MISSdirection,

    You seem like a disgruntled blackhand member whos on an alt. And inactive? Nope she wasnt, she was active everyday. Stick to your back to back HTE and stay off thread. Thank you.
  11. 1. We dont care, an account is an account. We dont worry about the gender that we strip. We figured woman by name. Thanks for that clearup.

    2. BH and OH Are two seperate clans correct? 1 family right? Well crackdown/rst/zf are 1 family. So no its not a "1v1".

    3. And sorry to burst your bubble, but it was definitely 13T not 9T.
  12. Well said X, as for you.

    Look you've obviously came here for attention, if you'd like I can show you some in your newsfeed. If you read the thread it says we're not giving attention seekers what they crave the most. Leave please. This forum post was solely made so Kaw community will know what happened.
  13. Oh dear dear dear.......

    How's my dearies in RST and BH?

    Hope you guys are all buckled down and enjoying this OSW......
  14. Some people think pvp events are so magical that you can get away with anything.

    Black hand obviously wanted to start an OSW. Or else they could have just dropped pots with one of their own ps.

    Either way, have fun with the OSW.
  15. Exact same as the other thread...

  16. Sooo what you are saying is its 4 v 2? (Zf/rst/cdw/bwc)v(oh/bh) seems weird... Like crying for help or summin or other :/
  17. Red line glitch. 
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