Black Hand/iG Debate

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by *-BWS- (01), Feb 3, 2012.

  1. I often hear the statement "Black Hand are a bunch of iG alts"

    Is this true? or not?

    I'd like your opinions, evidence for/against the statement. And a member from BH/iG or an ex BH/iG player to clear this up (shifter)
  2. You are an alt so I agree
  3. Oh the irony! You are an alt 
  4. It's Cheech...
  5. Or is it chong
  6. Cheech Marin remember him
  7. -B3

    is cheech/redstar/// etc
  8. D Bo why no offer tacos?
  9. This thread is not worth of tacos.
  10. Who is this Cheech?
  11. There's a link of you on D_Bo wall...
  12. Who the **** is black hand??
  13. Links don't lie
  14. Whats going on ?
  15. Lol itispeanutbutterjellytime I am going to introduce Black Hand to you!

    Let's see how long it takes for you to know who we are!

    I love picking up new farms from forums 

    ⻏L₳¢ҜH₳₦Ð D E E P 
  16. Itispeanutbutterjellytime... I remember training him in my clan around 5 months ago :)